
Simple ConnectWise Manage Slack Bot

MIT License


Simple ConnectWise Manage Slack Bot

Slack bot that parse sent messages for embedded ConnectWise ticket numbers and post a message of said ticket number. ConnectWise ticket numbers must begin with a # symbol.


How To Use

  • Complete the Installation Instructions
  • Add the Bot user to channel, group, or direct message to listen for CW



  • Create a new Slack App
    • Give it a name and assign it desired team.
  • Add Bot Users
    • Example: @cwbot
  • Turn on Event Subscription
    • Can not assign Request URL yet.
  • Subscribe to Bot Events:
    • message.channels
    • message.groups
    • message.mpim
  • Add Permissions:
    • chat:write:bot
  • Install App
  • Complete the Application Instructions
  • Add Request URL for Event Subscriptions
    • This only has to be done once.


  • Open Terminal or Command Prompt
  • Clone Repository
    • git clone
  • Change Directory to Project's Root Directory
    • cd ./cw-manage-slack-bot/
  • Install NPM Packages
    • npm install
  • Run Compile
    • npm run compile
  • Config Settings via Config File or Environment Variables
    • See the respective section below.
  • Start App
    • npm start
Config File

The config file is one way to configure the application.

  • Copy appconfig.template.json to appconfig.json
    • cp ./appconfig.template.json ./appconfig.json
    • Git will ignore the appconfig.json file.
  • Fill in the blank values in the appconfig.json file.
Environment Variabels

These enviroment variables can be used to override any settings that is defined by default or defined the in the appconfig.json (explained above).

  • SERVER_PORT: Server port listening for incoming Slack webhook events.
    • Default: 80
  • SERVER_BASEPATH: Base URL path for incoming slack webhook events.
    • Example: /coolbot
  • SLACK_AUTHTOKEN: Slack OAuth Access Token for the app.
    • Example: xoxp-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
  • SLACK_BOTAUTHTOKEN: Slack Bot User OAuth Access Token for the app.
    • Example: xoxb-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
  • SLACK_VALIDATIONTOKEN: Slack App Credential Verification Token.
    • Example: zxy098
  • CWMANAGE_COMPANYID: ConnectWise company name.
    • Example: abctech
  • CWMANAGE_COMPANYURL: FQDN to the ConnectWise server or api server.
    • Default:
  • CWMANAGE_PUBLICKEY: ConnectWise API user's public key.
    • Example: a1B2c3
  • CWMANAGE_PRIVATEKEY: ConnectWise API user's private key.
    • Example: a1B2c3