
Frontend Master workshopt - Data Structures and Algorithms in Javascript


Frontend Master workshops - Data Structures and Algorithms in Javascript

Thess are the solutions to the exercises proposed in the workshop Data Structures and Algorithms in Javascript, which repository can be found here

Day 1

Note: The main idea is to implement these data structures without using Javascript arrays, but simple objects, which makes the implementation more real (low level like)

  1. Implement a stack data structure:
  1. Create a queue data structure:
  1. Start off with some intro to recursion problems
  1. If you want a challenge, attempt some popular recursion interview questions:
  1. Extra: Other data structures (Set, Map)

Day 2

  1. Implement the elementary sorting algorithms (bubble, insertion, selection):
  1. Implement Mergesort
  1. Implement Quicksort
  1. [Bonus] Try out Heapsort

Day 3

  1. Implement a Linked List:
  1. Create a tree data structure:
  1. Extra: Implement an ArrayList

Day 4

  1. Binary Search Tree
  1. Binary Search Array

Day 5

  1. Binary Search Tree (delete nodes)
  1. Implement a graph
  1. DFS for graph
  1. BFS for graph
  1. [Bonus] BFS/DFS for tree

Day 6

  1. Create your own Hash Tables! Watch out for those collisions!