
Dialogflow CX Webhook that fetches information from PokeAPI

APACHE-2.0 License


Dialogflow CX Agents:

  1. Intent Based: this Agent is going to be used to test the webhook. It is an agent that retrieves information about pokemons. The interaction is based on intents and entities and calling webhooks.
  2. Generative AI: this Agent is going to be used to test the generateive AI capabilities, it calls LLMs (PALM 2 instead of a webhook). It is an agent that retrieves information about pokemons. The interaction is based on intents and entities and LLMs to fetch information. It uses Generative Fallback and Generators Capabilities.

The intent-based one has a webhook that is going to be used to test the webhook capabilities of Dialogflow CX. The webhook is going to be written in Typescript and deployed on Google Cloud Functions. It uses the Dialogflow Messenger to test the agent and adds visual elements to the conversation: image

Deploying your Dialogflow CX Webhook

With the code ready to go, we need to deploy it on Google Cloud so it can be connected to the agent.

Before we continue, make sure that you have enabled the Cloud functions API enabled:

    gcloud services enable cloudfunctions.googleapis.com

Now we can deploy our webhook with gcloud CLI on the root folder:

    gcloud functions deploy my-agent-ts-function --runtime nodejs18 --trigger-http --entry-point HandleWebhookRequest

The public endpoint of this function is going to have this format:


So imagine that we have deployed this function in us-central1 and the project test-cx-346408, the URL will look like this:


Now the code is ready to be tested on the Console!