
Educdia is a web application to help students to learn and improve their knowledge with a course driven question and answer system.

AGPL-3.0 License


What is the purpose of Educdia?

Educdia is an online platform designed to assist students in enhancing their knowledge through a question and answer system based on courses. The platform utilizes Next.js, Prisma, Kinde Auth, and OpenAI's GPT-4o API.

Users have the option to sign up and create courses with questions.

Upon commencing a course, users will receive questions to answer. Subsequently, they will receive responses from OpenAI's GPT-4o API in JSON format after answering each question.

{ "correct": false, "answer": "Uhm actually 🤓👆" }
  • correct is a boolean that indicates if the answer is correct or not.
  • answer is the correct answer to the question, if the user's answer is incorrect.

When a user provides the correct answer, the next question will be displayed. In case of an incorrect answer, the user will receive the correct one and can then proceed to the next question.

The progress of the course will be stored in the database, allowing users to pause and resume their learning at any time through the dashboard.

Upon submitting the first answer to a question, a session will be initiated for the user. Users have the option to reset the course at any point through the dashboard.

Developing locally

Upon cloning the repository, execute npm install at the project's root to install all necessary dependencies. Subsequently, launch the development server by running npm run dev.

Ensure to establish a MySQL database and generate a .env file in the project's root with environment variables from the .env.example file.

To create the SQL database using the Prisma schema, utilize npx prisma migrate dev --name init followed by npx prisma db push.