
kysely adapter for effect

MIT License



Integrate kysely with effect. Define your database tables with @effect/schema and use effect-kysely to query them with encoding and decoding support, or just use kysely as a query builder for sqlfx.

⚠️ Warning: This library is still in development and the API is subject to change.

This library is currently published only as an ES module.

Getting started

Install effect-kysely

npm install effect-kysely
yarn add effect-kysely
pnpm add effect-kysely

Install all peer dependencies if not already installed

npm install kysely effect @effect/schema
yarn add kysely effect @effect/schema
pnpm add kysely effect @effect/schema

Define your database tables

effect-kysely provides some utility functions to define your database tables with @effect/schema. As in kysely, you can define a schema specifying a different type for select, insert, and update operations.

import * as S from "@effect/schema/Schema";
import { columnType } from "effect-kysely/Schema.js";

const TodoId = S.number.pipe(S.brand("TodoId"));

const BooleanFromNumber = S.transform(
  (n) => (n === 1 ? true : false),
  (b) => (b ? 1 : 0),

const _Todo = S.struct({
  // as in kysely, you can define a schema specifying a different type for select, insert, and update operations
  id: columnType(TodoId, S.never, S.never),
  content: S.string,
  completed: BooleanFromNumber,
  user_id: S.number,
  created_at: columnType(S.DateFromString, S.never, S.never),
  updated_at: columnType(S.DateFromString, S.never, S.DateFromString),

At the moment, effect-kysely provides only the columnType and generated functions to define different schemas for a column. They have the same meaning as in kysely.

Note: A schema that uses these helpers is not meant to be used directly, but it can be used to derive different schemas for select, insert and update operations. If you try to decode/encode something with this schema, you will get an error.

Derive a static type to be used with kysely

You can derive a static type to be used with kysely from a schema using the S.Schema.Encoded utility. The schema can be used to decode from the database and encode data to the database, so the type used with kysely is the the schema Encoded type.

type TodoTable = {
    readonly id: ColumnType<number, never, never>;
    readonly content: string;
    readonly completed: number;
    readonly user_id: number;
    readonly created_at: ColumnType<string, never, never>;
    readonly updated_at: ColumnType<string, never, string>;
type TodoTable = S.Schema.Encoded<typeof _Todo>;

Derive select, insert and update schemas

You can derive the select, insert and update schemas from a schema using the getSchemas function. It returns an object with the Selectable, Insertable, and Updateable schemas.

import { getSchemas } from "effect-kysely/Schema.js";

Todo.Selectable has id, content, completed, user_id, created_at, updated_at
Todo.Insertable has content, completed, user_id
Todo.Updateable has content, completed, user_id, updated_at
const Todo = getSchemas(_Todo);

You can also derive static types for the different schemas using the GetTypes utility.

import { GetTypes } from "effect-kysely/Schema.js";

Todo["Selectable"] = S.Schema.Type<Todo.Selectable>
Todo["Insertable"] = S.Schema.Type<Todo.Insertable>
Todo["Updateable"] = S.Schema.Type<Todo.Updateable>
type Todo = GetTypes<typeof Todo>;

Define database tables and database service

Define your database tables to be used with kysely and a tag to be used as an effect service:

import { Context } from "effect";

interface DbTables {
  todo: TodoTable;

class DbTag extends Context.Tag("DbTag")<DbTag, Kysely<DbTables>>() {}

Query your database with kysely

You can now create queries using effect-kysely, with encoding and decoding support.


If you need to create a query encoding some data, you can use the withEncoder function:

import { Effect } from "effect";
import { withEncoder } from "effect-kysely/Query.js";

const program = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
  const db = yield* _(DbTag);

  const insertQuery = withEncoder({
    encoder: Todo.Insertable,
    query: (todo) => db.insertInto("todo").values(todo).executeTakeFirstOrThrow(),

  const result = yield* _(insertQuery({ content: "Buy milk", completed: false, user_id: 1 }));

  return result;

const DbLive = new Kysely<DbTables>({ dialect: ... });

const runnable = program.pipe(Effect.provideService(DbTag, DbLive));

The value passed to the insertQuery function will be encoded using the Todo.Insertable schema (in this example, completed is encoded as a number). Kysely will type-check that the encoded value passed to the query is compatible with the Insertable static type defined for the table.

In this case, result will be an InsertResult type from kysely, and we are not interested in decoding it.


If you need to create a query decoding the result, you can use the withDecoder function:

const selectAllTodos = withDecoder({
  decoder: S.array(Todo.Selectable),
  query: () => db.selectFrom("todo").selectAll().execute(),

const todos = yield * _(selectAllTodos());

In this case, the query does not take any parameter and we don't need an encoder. The result of the query will be decoded using the provided decoder schema (id is decoded as TodoId, completed is decoded as a boolean, created_at and updated_at are decoded as dates). Kysely generates a type for the result of the query, and withDecoder checks that the input schema of the decoder is compatible with the query result.


If you need to create a query encoding some data and decoding the result, you can use the withCodec function:

const insertTodo = withCodec({
  encoder: Todo.Insertable,
  decoder: S.struct({ id: TodoId }),
  query: (todo) =>

const { id } =
  yield * _(insertTodo({ content: "Buy milk", completed: false, user_id: 1 }));


The effect returned by a query execution can fail with different errors:

  • QueryParseError, if the encoding or decoding fails
  • QueryError, if the query execution fails. It contains the error message returned by Kysely.
  • NotFoundError, if you used executeTakeFirstOrThrow() and the query execution returns no result


effect-kysely doesn't provide a specific way to handle transactions. Since the query passed to withEncoder, withDecoder or withCodec is just a function that returns a Promise, you can write a query with a transaction using the method provided by Kysely.

const insertTodos = withEncoder({
  encoder: S.tuple(Todo.Insertable, Todo.Insertable),
  query: ([todo1, todo2]) =>
    db.transaction().execute(async (trx) => {
      await trx.insertInto("todo").values(todo1).executeTakeFirstOrThrow();

      await trx.insertInto("todo").values(todo2).executeTakeFirstOrThrow();

Use kysely as a query builder for sqlfx

You need to:

  • Define your database tables as described above
  • create a sqlfx client
  • create a cold Kysely instance

At this point you can use createQuery from effect-kysely/sqlfx.js to create a query using kysely as a query builder, passing the sqlfx client and a compilable kysely query.

import { Config, Context, Effect } from "effect";
import {
} from "kysely";
import * as Sql from "@sqlfx/sqlite/node";
import { createQuery } from "effect-kysely/sqlfx.js";

const program = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
  const db = yield* _(DbTag);
  const sql = yield* _(Sql.tag);

  const InsertTodo = sql.resolver("InsertTodo", {
    request: Todo.Insertable,
    result: S.struct({ id: TodoId }),
    run: (todo) =>
      createQuery(sql, db.insertInto("todo").values(todo).returning("id")),

  const GetTodoById = sql.resolverId("GetTodoById", {
    id: S.number,
    result: Todo.Selectable,
    resultId: (_) => _.id,
    run: (ids) =>
        db.selectFrom("todo").selectAll().where("id", "in", ids),

  const insertedTodos = yield* _(
          content: "user1 todo1",
          completed: false,
          user_id: 1,
          content: "user2 todo1",
          completed: false,
          user_id: 2,
      { batching: true },

  const todoIds = insertedTodos.map((t) => t.id);

  const res = yield* _(
    Effect.all(todoIds.map(GetTodoById.execute), { batching: true }),

  return res;

const DbLive = new Kysely<DbTables>({
  dialect: {
    createAdapter: () => new SqliteAdapter(),
    createDriver: () => new DummyDriver(),
    createIntrospector: (db) => new SqliteIntrospector(db),
    createQueryCompiler: () => new SqliteQueryCompiler(),

const SqlLive = Sql.makeLayer({
  filename: Config.succeed("example.db"),

const runnable = program.pipe(
  Effect.provideService(DbTag, DbLive),


What is the difference between using only this library and using it with sqlfx?

If you use only effect-kysely:

  • You can use any database that has a Kysely dialect available
  • The results of the queries are type-checked using the schemas you defined
  • There is no support for batching and caching

If you use effect-kysely with sqlfx:

  • You can use batching and caching
  • You can use only the databases supported by sqlfx
  • The results of the queries are not type-checked using the schemas you defined


You can find more examples in the examples folder.
