
欢迎来到未来 | 庚子 | 这是一场革命

MIT License


Elemetal Into the Ether

欢迎来到未来 | 庚子 | 这是一场革命

Elemetal V1. A futuristic aesthetic

Get started:

  • clone repo
  • cd elemetal
  • npm install
  • gatsby develop

1st Iteration of My Web2 site(Web3 will be a dApp)

Gatsby-amazing React Library for Progressive Web Apps and Speedy Static Sites

Great for eCommerce solutions because of its SEO functionality Static sites that have separation concerns from business logic avoid SQL injection attacks Call to external APIs Great for Blogs, Portfolio Sites, Discussion Boards, Mailing able to configure with graphql through static query an build asset loading Good CICD Funny story, I checked what the Gatsby site is built with and it was actually Angular...

Starting Point: Gatsby Config

Tech Used: React.js Web3 for React Fortmatic Gatsby.js(significant speed increase, leveraging GraphQL) Netlify augmented-ui Carbon Components Lambda Components Jest Unit testing

Typescript-Superset of Javascript(though not necessary), better for closer interaction to underlying graphQL built into Gatsby, better conversion rates

npm install typescript --dev npm install -g @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint

Gatsby Files: gatsby-browser.js gatsby-config.js : Querying GraphQL in Gatsby: gatsby-node.js : Node API gatsby-ssr.js : Server Side Render API

Important Gatsby Plugins: npm install:

npm install gatsby-plugin-typescript -adds transpiler npm install gatsby-plugin-react-helmet npm install @types/react-helmet -used for Site Meta data and SEO optimizations npm install gatsby-image -lazy loading of images

Hooks: useStaticQuery useWeb3React

Query on localhost:8000/___graphql (three underscores)

There are two Versions of this current version of my Gatsby Portfolio site-

One of them is centralized One of them is decentralized

For Browser Configuration:

npm install @ethersproject/providers npm install @web3-react/core

npm install gatsby-plugin-dat dat Pinning Content to Hashbase: plugins: [ { resolve: gatsby-plugin-dat, options: { pinning_service: { domain: 'https://hashbase.io/', // If your pinning service does not need authentication, // you can omit these fields. username: 'YOUR USERNAME HERE', password: 'YOUR PASSWORD HERE', }, }, }, ];

Handling Ethereum Events:

hooks.ts file in lib folder

Fortmatic: For integrating a dApp into the Ethereum Blockchain(currently in testing mode)

npm i --save fortmatic@latest For more information, check out: https://docs.fortmatic.com/web3-integration

Adding ReCaptcha

  • npm install react-recaptcha-google

What is

Interplanetary File Transfer(IPFS)

My Bigger Project-Project Ether:

Join The Movement Great Resources My Current Development in dApp and the Red Ether Contribute

Optimizing SEO and Metadata:

Run: gatsby-develop

Links to Gatsby's internal development server, located in East Egg.

Build Deploy:

gatsby build gatsby serve netflify, has custom domain, currently I am using Web2, but later will be hosting static files to IPFS and get an ENS domain

Other options:

npm install --global surge surge

Im going to do a post on the underlying theories and workings behind Gatsby, look into how they bundle their webpack, as it has even more Abstractions from Javascript than Angular does!

Next: Google Analytics(Do not go overboard)

Tumblr Clone

To Do: Think Outside the Box