
Epeli's Javascript / Typescript utilities


Epeli's Javascript / Typescript utilities

Some utility functions I use across multiple projects that are not available in any de facto utility libraries like Lodash.

Very Typescript heavy.


Not maintaining this for anyone else. This is open source because why not. Might do breaking changes at will - although I try follow semver but I won't be doing changelogs.

So if you find something useful from this I suggest you just copy paste it to your project.


npm install @epeli/utils

Exported functions

See __dtslint__ for usage examples

omit(obj: object, keys: string[]): object

Like omit() in Lodash but properly typed for Typescript.

Supports only plain objects.

strictAssign(target: object, ...sources: object[]): object

Same as Object.assign() but does not allow extending the type. Eg. the return type is always the same as target.

Works nicely with Immer.

wait(time: number): Promise

setTimeout for async functions.

withTimeout(message: string, time: number, promise: Promise)

Resolve promise within the time (ms) or reject with the message.