
Lazy load multiple vanilla custom-element micro-frontend (MFEs) applications within a shell/host application using the Module Federation concept.


Custom Elements Module Federation


Module Federation allows us to reference program parts not yet known at compile time. This project leverages the Module Federation concept, where these program parts are self-compiled micro-frontends. For this, Webpack 5 is used to build the different microfront-ends, each consisting of a standalone application implemented as custom-elements.

The different Micro-frontends overcome dependency duplication issues by sharing common libraries with each other.

Each micro-frontend can be build, deployed, and tested in isolation from each other.


Project Structure

  |- /modules
  |  '- mf1
  |  '- mf2
  |  '- ...                   // Micro-Frontend Apps
  '- webpack.shell.config.js
  '- webpack.mf1.config.js
  '- webpack.mf2.config.js
  '- ...                      // micro-frontends webpack configs

The shell application loads the individual, separately built and provided microfrontends as needed.

Each application, including the shell, has its own webpack config file located at the project root level.

Building the Project

  1. Build the shell app: npm run build:shell
  2. Build the remote micro-frontend apps:
    npm run build:{MICRO_FRONTEND_NAME}>
    For instance, to build micro-frontend-1, run: npm run build:mf1
  • To build all micro-frontend apps, run: npm run build:all

Running the Project

  1. Run the shell app: npm run serve:dist:shell
  2. Build the remote micro-frontend apps:
    npm run serve:dist:{MICRO_FRONTEND_NAME}>
    For instance, to build micro-frontend-1, run: npm run serve:dist:mf1
  • To serve all micro-frontend apps from /dist, run: npm run serve:all
  • To run all micro-frontend app using the webpack-dev-server, run:
    npm run serve:dist:all


  1. The Microfrontend Revolution: Module Federation in Webpack 5
  2. Using Custom Elements
  3. Webpack
  4. TypeScript Lang