

Exo Store

I made a bold claim and I regret it. 🤷

Anyway this is an experimental (and unpublished) state management library.

Aren't there a number of other Proxy-based state management libraries? Yes. So what's unique about Exo? It's designed for Islands-based applications like those generated by Astro.

Frameworks each have a unique approach to sharing state within an application. Tools like Astro break frameworks' assumption that there is one single application—your components are mounted as many small applications, possibly even using different frameworks.

Exo allows you to share global state between applications via createStore. The best possible state management library is one that operates like any other JavaScript object (const store = {}), which is why createStore (kinda) just returns the object you pass to it. You're free to mutate the result however you want from anywhere in your application(s).

Welcome to the Bring Your Own Frameworkâ„¢ party. Exo (currently) has integrations with React, Preact, and Vue. The useStore hook will re-render your component any time your Store (or a particular subset of it) is updated.

Try it out

  1. Clone me.
  2. Run yarn && yarn start.


  1. Create a store.
import { createStore } from '@exo-store/core';

const store = createStore({ count: 0 });

export default store;
  1. Use your store inside your components.


import { useStore } from '@exo-store/preact';
import Store from '../store';

const Component = () => {
  const store = useStore(Store);
  const subtract = () => store.count--;
  const add = () => store.count++;

  return (
      <button onClick={subtract}>-</button>
      <button onClick={add}>+</button>


    <button @click="subtract">-</button>
    <div>{{ store.count }}</div>
    <button @click="add">+</button>

import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { useStore } from '@exo-store/vue';
import Store from '../store';

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const store = useStore(Store);
    const subtract = () => store.count--;
    const add = () => store.count++;

    return {


There's more info about this one in the subsribe section! 🙃

import { $ } from '@exo-store/core';
import store from '../store';
const { subscribe } = store[$];

const subtract = () => store.count--;
const add = () => store.count++;

document.querySelector('button#add').addEventListener('click', add);
document.querySelector('button#subtract').addEventListener('click', subtract);
subscribe(() => {
  document.querySelector('div#count').innerHTML = `${store.count}`;


Stores are fully reactive, even when destructuring or using a selector. However, because primitive (non-object) values in JavaScript are updated by assignment rather than reference, we must use a special set helper for primitives.

import { useStore, set } from '@exo-store/preact';
import Store from '../store';

const Component = () => {
  // Because we've selected just `count` (a number), assigning a new value
  // won't update the store. We should use the `set` helper instead!
  const count = useStore(Store, s => s.count);
  const subtract = () => set(count, value => value -= 1);
  const add = () => set(count, value => value += 1);

  return (
      <button onClick={subtract}>-</button>
      <button onClick={add}>+</button>

Here is the signature of set.

/** Update a primitive value (from a store) in a reactive manner */
function set<T extends string|number|boolean>(value: T, newValue: T): void;
function set<T extends string|number|boolean>(value: T, setter: (currentValue: T) => T): void;


Stores also have some common utilities exposed under a $ property.

$ is a Symbol which is exported from @exo-store/core, but your IDE probably imports it automatically.

Computed Values

You can compute store values automatically.

import { createStore, $ } from '@exo-store/core';

// Define the default value of `store.double`
const store = createStore({ count: 0, double: 0 });
const { compute } = store[$];

// Then assign `store.double` to a computed value
store.double = compute((s) => s.count * 2);


You can manually subscribe to all store changes from anywhere. Inside of framework components, useStore hooks do this for you automatically.

import { createStore, $ } from '@exo-store/core';

const store = createStore({ ... });
const { subscribe } = store[$];

// Subscribe to all store updates
const unsubscribe = subscribe(s => {
    console.log('Store updated!', s);

// Later...


You can use a selector to subscribe to a subset of changes from anywhere.

import { createStore, $ } from '@exo-store/core';

const store = createStore({
  some: { deeply: { nested: { slice: 0 } } },
const { subscribe } = store[$];

// Subscribe only when `store.some.deeply.nested.slice` updates
const unsubscribe = subscribe({
  select: (s) => s.some.deeply.nested.slice,
  onChange: (s) => {
    console.log('Store updated!', s);

// Later...

Inside of framework components, the useStore hook accepts a selector as the second argument.

// This component will only rerender when the selected value changes!
const [state, store] = useStore(Store, (s) => s.some.deeply.nested.slice);