
⛴ Make Next.js and react-navigation play nicely together with an Expo/React Native Web app.


🥳 This library has moved to solito!

Exciting news: the future of this library will be solito. I completely changed the API and approach into something much more scalable and simple, so I decided to make a new library altogether.

This change is a result of my thinking on #68 about the future API.

If you're already using expo-next-react-navigation, don't stress. You can continue to use it as you please. But I recommend using solito, even if you're incrementally adopting it.

I have tons of code using expo-next-react-navigation in my own app, and I won't be able to change it overnight. But going forward, all new navigation code I write will use solito instead.

While this repo will of course stay up, I will probably no longer make updates to expo-next-react-navigation.

Expo + Next.js Router + React Navigation 🥳

A set of hooks that wrap the react-navigation API that you're used to, and make it work with next/router.

This library helps me use the Expo + Next.js integration without stressing about navigation.

Next.js Conf

I'm speaking at Next.js Conf 2021 on October 26 about React Native + Next.js. Get your ticket to see how we do it.


👾 Github Repo | 💻 Website | 📱 Open expo app directly | ☎️ Expo app website


For react-navigation v5 or v6:

yarn add expo-next-react-navigation

For react-navigation v4

yarn add [email protected]

Table of contents

Set up

Before continuing, I highly, highly recommend using this monorepo as your starter.

The steps below are copied from Expo's docs essentially.

However, the monorepo above is much more updated, and it works with Next.js 11, Webpack 5, and React Navigation v6 😎

If you use the monorepo, you don't need to do the setup below.

Step 0. Install next with expo:

  • Init: expo init (or npx create-next-app)

  • Install: yarn add @expo/next-adapter

  • Install next: yarn add next

  • Configure: yarn next-expo

  • Start: yarn next dev

I recommend becoming familiar next's architecture with expo. Follow the Expo docs or see this article by Evan Bacon if you're curious.

Step 1. Edit/create next.config.js

yarn add next-compose-plugins next-fonts next-images next-transpile-modules

Step 2: edit next.config.js to look something like this:

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
const { withExpo } = require('@expo/next-adapter')
const withFonts = require('next-fonts')
const withImages = require('next-images')
const withPlugins = require('next-compose-plugins')

const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')([
  // you can add other modules that need traspiling here

module.exports = withPlugins(
  [withTM, withFonts, withImages, [withExpo, { projectRoot: __dirname }]],
    // ...

All done! Run yarn next dev & open http://localhost:3000 👻

You can add other packages that need transpiling to the transpileModules array. See this post for details.


Replace the following instances in your code after installation and setup:

useNavigation 👉 useRouting

-import { useNavigation } from 'react-navigation-hooks'
+import { useRouting } from 'expo-next-react-navigation'


-import { useLayoutEffect } from 'react-navigation-hooks'
+import { useLayoutEffect } from 'expo-next-react-navigation'

<TouchableOpacity /> 👉 <Link />

-import { TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native'
+import { Link } from 'expo-next-react-navigation'

-<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigate({ routeName: 'chat' })}>
-  <Text>Go</Text>
- </TouchableOpacity>
+<Link routeName="chat" params={{ roomId: 'hey!' }}>
+  Go

All set ⚡️



React hook that wraps useNavigation (from react-navigation) hook and useRouter (from next-router).

It follows the same API as useNavigation.

import { useRouting } from 'expo-next-react-navigation'

export default function App() {
  const { navigate, push, getParam, goBack } = useRouting()



Only argument is a dictionary with these values. Unlike react-navigation, this doesn't currently support a string as argument.

  • routeName: string, required
  • params: optional dictionary
  • web: Optional dictionary with added values for web, following the API from next/router's Router.push function.
    • path: (optional) Fulfills the same value as pathname from next/router, overriding the routeName field. If you set this to /cars, it will navigate to /cars instead of the routeName field. As a result, it will load the file located at pages/cars.js.
    • as: (optional) If set, the browser will show this value in the address bar. Useful if you want to show a pretty/custom URL in the address bar that doesn't match the actual path. Unlike the path field, this does not affect which route you actually go to.
    • shallow: Update the path of the current page without rerunning getStaticProps, getServerSideProps or getInitialProps. Defaults to false

Example: Navigate to a user

export default function Home() {
  const { navigate } = useRouting()

  // goes to yourdomain.com/user?id=chris
  const onPress = () =>
      routeName: 'user',
      params: { id: 'chris' },

  // 👇or this👇
  // goes to `yourdomain.com/user/chris`
  const navigateCleanLink = () =>
      routeName: 'user',
      params: { id: 'chris' },
      web: { as: `/user/chris` },

  // 👇or this👇
  // 'profile' path overrides 'user' on web, so it uses the pages/profile.js file
  // even though it navigates to yourdomain.com/profile?id=chris?color=blue`
  // ...it actually shows up as yourdomain.com/@chris in the URL bar.
  const navigateCleanLinkWithParam = () =>
      routeName: 'user',
      params: { id: 'chris', color: 'blue' }, // accessed with getParam in the next screen
      web: { as: `/@chris`, path: 'profile' },

This follows the next pattern of dynamic routing. You'll need to create a pages/user/[id].js file.

For more thoughts on how and when you should use the web field, see Web Thoughts.


Same API as getParam from react-navigation.

Similar to query from next/router, except that it's a function to grab the values.


Imagine you navigated to yourdomain.com/user/chris on web using the example above.

export default function User() {
  const { getParam } = useRouting()

  const id = getParam('id') // chris

  // do something with the id


See react navigation docs. On web, it simply replaces the focus effect with a normal effect hook. On mobile, it is the exact react navigation hook.

Make sure to use useCallback as seen in the example.

import { useFocusEffect } from 'expo-next-react-navigation'

export default ({ userId }) => {
    useCallback(() => {
      const unsubscribe = API.subscribe(userId, user => setUser(user))

      return () => unsubscribe()
    }, [userId])

  return <Profile userId={userId} />


The following will use the chat route in react navigation.

However, it will use the pages/room.js file for nextjs. Also, it will show up as domain.com/messages in the address bar.

Optionally accepts a nextLinkProps prop dictionary and touchableOpacityProps dictionary as well.

export default function Button() {
  return (
      params={{ roomId: '12' }}
        path: '/room',
        as: 'messages',
      Chat in room 12

Required props:

Optional props

  • web: A dictionary with the follwing options:
type Web = {
   * Alternative path to override routeName on web.
  path?: string
   * A custom URL ending to show in the browser address bar instead of the `web.path` or `routeName`.
   * Should start with `/`.
  as?: string
   * Prefetch the page in the background. Defaults to `true`
  prefetch?: boolean
   * Scroll to the top of the page after a navigation. Defaults to `true`
  scroll?: boolean
   * Replace the current history state instead of adding a new url into the stack. Defaults to `false`
  replace?: boolean
   * Update the path of the current page without rerunning getStaticProps, getServerSideProps or getInitialProps. Defaults to false
  shallow?: boolean
  • web: dictionary, see useRouting().navigate docs. On v1.0.5+, you can also pass the prefetch, replace, and scroll booleans here, from the next/link component.

  • touchableOpacityProps: extends React Native's TouchableOpacity props.

  • nextLinkProps: extends next/router's Link props.

  • isText: if false, you can set the children to be non-Text nodes. Defaults to true. If true, the children can be a string or a Text node.

Other shout outs


I think this is an awesome package for adding a loading progress bar to your next pages. It's super easy. Check it out.

Link: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nextjs-progressbar

yarn add nextjs-progressbar


npm i nextjs-progressbar


import React from 'react'
import App from 'next/app'
import NextNprogress from 'nextjs-progressbar'

class MyApp extends App {
  render() {
    const { Component, pageProps } = this.props
    return (
        <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp

Web Thoughts

The web prop in the navigate function and Link component can help provide cleaner urls (user/mike instead of user?id=mike) on web.

Also, navigation patterns on mobile can be different than web, and this field can help you account for those situations.

For instance, imagine you have a tab navigator. Say the first tab has a nested stack navigator with an inbox screen and a chat room screen. If you navigate from a notifications tab to this tab, and a chat room screen was already open, you probably want that chat room to stay open on mobile. Only if you press the tab button a second time should it pop back to the inbox screen.

This may not be the case on web. Web navigation patterns on web may lead you to want to open the inbox directly, instead of the open chat screen. This example could look something like this:

  routeName: 'inboxStack',
  web: {
    path: 'inbox',

I've also considered letting the web field take a dynamic parameter like this chat/:roomId:

// goes to `yourdomain.com/chat/chris` and still passes `chris` as a `roomId` param
const navigateCleanLink = () =>
    routeName: 'chat',
    params: { roomId: 'chris' },
    web: { dynamic: `chat/[roomId]` },

// goes to yourdomain.com/chat?roomId=chris
const onPress = () =>
    routeName: 'chat',
    params: { roomId: 'chris' },

But that's not added. For now, the same is achieved by doing this:

const roomId = 'chris'

const navigateToChatRoom = () =>
    routeName: 'chat',
    params: { roomId },
    web: { path: `chat/${roomId}` },

This would open the pages/chat/[roomId].js file, with roomId as a param.