
🎹 Listen to Spotify with your friends in real-time. (React Native Expo + Next.js)


🎸 Spotify Party

Listen to Spotify with your friends in real-time. Start playing songs, invite your friends, and they get to hear whatever you play.

  • 📱 Works on iOS, Android, and web.

  • 🤖 Built with Expo Web + Next.js.

  • 🚪 Uses Doorman for Firebase phone sign-in.

  • 🎵 Spotify login.

You can check out the code. It's not super polished, but hey, it works.

Run the app

It's currently running at https://spotify-party.now.sh.

You can also run it locally. Just clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/nandorojo/expo-spotify-party

Next, run:

yarn add expo-auth-session

Then, follow the instructions to run it on web or mobile:


npm i -g expo-cli
expo start


yarn next


If you look through the code, you'll notice many blocks that are commented out. That's the product of figuring out Next.js + Expo for a side project. It was also my first time using styled-components, so there is some TypeScript jumbling there. 🦥

Twitter: @fernandotherojo