
🚀 Is a fast XML parser in TypeScript with zero dependencies

MIT License


🚀 Fast-XML-parser

Is a fast XML parser in TypeScript with zero dependencies

  • blazing fast âš¡
  • zero dependencies 📦

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import {parse} from 'fast-xml-parser';

// Node { name: 'root', children: [
//   Node { name: 'html', children: [...]
// }] }
const root = parse('<!DOCTYPE html><html>hello</html>');

Parse returns a Node object, the root of the document tree. Node is an object with the following interface:

interface Node {
  type: TYPES;
  name: string;
  children?: Node[];
  attrs?: Record<string, string>;

You can manipulate the tree and serialize it back to HTML:

import {parse, stringify} from 'fast-xml-parser';

const root = parse('<!DOCTYPE html><html>hello</html>');

// change text node
root.children[1].children[0].name = 'hello, world!'

// <!DOCTYPE html><html>hello, world!</html>

TBD: DOM API to manipulate the tree in a handy way