
Various Fastify Utilities - Used in my boilerplate, hosted on the GitHub package registry

MIT License


Dustin's Utilities Module

Documentation for utilities


Validation Options

Name Purpose Type Default
strict Requires the object to contain only items that constraints exist for boolean false
required Requires the object to contain at least the items in the array string[] []

Validation Constraints

Name Purpose Type Default
email Requires the specified value pass the email specfic regex boolean false
number Requires the value to be number only boolean false
length Requires the value to meet the min or max length { min?: number, max?: number } null
nullable Specifies if the value is allow to be unset or null boolean true
allowed List of strings or numbers that are allowed (string | number)[] null
casing Desired casing to validate the item for string (any, upper, lower) null
type If specified a type the typeof will be compared string null


Traditional logging

Also bundled is a logging utility

This logging utility exposes the following methods

Name Purpose
Log console.log but with the twist of color,time and other logger benefits
Error console.error same as log with different colors, and registers as an error on our error tracking
Debug console.log nearly the same as Log but with the twist of an env variable check for DEBUG="dstn:*" which will allow the output of this log line

Changing/disabling colors

Included is a function to change the configuation of the logger, such as the colors or to disable them altogether.

The configurable options are

Name Default
timestampColor gray
logColor green
errorColor redBright
debugColor blueBright
disableColors false
debugAnnotation dstn

Request logging

• Request Method • Request Path • Status Code • Response Time in ms • Client IP Address • Response Size B/KB/MB/GB

Request Responses

Name Response Format Parameters
Success { success: true, data } res: Response, status: number, data?: any
Failed { error: true, code, data } res: Response, status: number, code: string, data?: any
Missing { error: true, code: 'route_not_found' } res: Response
Catch { error: true, code: 'catch', data } res: Response, data?: any