
APIs of mine

MIT License



APIs of mine

Responce times

Name of function Average responce time (ms)
Time difference 32.7
UNIX time 241.4
Ping 788.83

Time API

The time API is availible at https://trnck.dev/time

GET Parameters

Name Description Example
ts Current client timestamp (in ms) 1606995302000

Example responce


JS Implementation

const timestamp = Date.now();
fetch(`https://trnck.dev/time?ts=${timestamp}`).then(f => f.json()).then(f => {
  const nowstamp = Date.now()  
  console.table({adjusted: Math.round(f.result.ms - (nowstamp - timestamp) / 2), raw: f.result.ms})


Due to the One Way Latency problem, there is no way to calculate the exact time that passes between the client and the server.

Ping API

The ping API is availible at https://api.trnck.dev/ping

An API to ping a URL or IP adress, accepts any URL

GET Parameters

Name Description Example
url URL to ping https://taskord.com

Example responce

  "status": "success",
  "result": {
    "miliseconds": 404,
    "code": 200

HTTP status mock API

A simle API for making the server respond with a certain status code

GET Parameters

Name Type Description Example
code int Status code to mock 418

Example request
