
Strongly typed Firestore framework for TypeScript

MIT License



  • Strong type safety for Firestore - Automatically provide type information to nested documents without unsafe type assertions, from the simple schema. Also support data decoding.
  • Security rules generation - Generate firestore.rules file including data type validation and access control from the schema.
  • React Hooks - Get realtime updates with React Hooks.
  • Type safety for Cloud Functions
    • Automatically provide type information to snapshot data on Firestore Trigger Function based on the path string.
    • Guard HTTPS callable function's request/response data type both on compile time and runtime.


  • TypeScript (>= 4.4)


yarn add fireschema firebase firebase-admin firebase-functions zod
yarn add -D typescript ts-node


🎉 Since Fireschema v5, you no longer need to compile codes via custom transformer.

Usage - Firestore

Schema Transformation

Zod Schema Security Rules Output
z.any() true
z.unknown() true
z.undefined() !("key" in data)
z.null() data.key == null
z.boolean() data.key is bool
z.literal('a') data.key == "a"
z.string() data.key is string
z.string().min(5) (data.key is string && data.key.size >= 5)
z.string().min(5).max(20) (data.key is string && data.key.size >= 5 && data.key.size <= 20)
z.string().regex(/@example\.com$/) (data.key is string && data.key.matches("@example\\.com$"))
z.number() data.key is number
z.number().int() data.key is int
z.number().min(5) (data.key is int && data.key >= 5)
z.number().max(20) (data.key is int && data.key <= 20)
timestampType() data.key is timestamp
z.record(z.string()) data.key is map
z.tuple([z.string(), z.number()]) (data.key is list && data.key[0] is string && data.key[1] is number)
z.string().array() data.key is list
z.string().array().min(5) (data.key is list && data.key.size() >= 5)
z.string().array().max(20) (data.key is list && data.key.size() <= 20)
z.string().optional() (data.key is string || !("key" in data))
z.union([z.string(), z.null()]) (data.key is string || data.key == null)

1. Define schema

The schema definition must be default exported.

import { Merge } from 'type-fest'
import { z } from 'zod'

import { DataModel, FirestoreModel, rules, timestampType } from 'fireschema'

export const UserType = z.object({
  name: z.string(),
  displayName: z.union([z.string(), z.null()]),
  age: z.number().int(),
  timestamp: timestampType(),
  options: z.object({ a: z.boolean() }).optional(),

type User = z.infer<typeof UserType>
/* => {
  name: string
  displayName: string | null
  age: number
  timestamp: FTypes.Timestamp
  options?: { a: boolean } | undefined
} */

type UserDecoded = Merge<User, { timestamp: Date }>

const UserModel = new DataModel({
  schema: UserType,
  decoder: (data: User): UserDecoded => ({,
    timestamp: data.timestamp.toDate(),

const PostType = z.object({
  authorUid: z.string(),
  text: z.string(),
  tags: z.object({ id: z.number().int(), name: z.string() }).array(),

const PostModel = new DataModel({
  schema: PostType,
  selectors: (q) => ({
    byTag: (tag: string) => [
      q.where('tags', 'array-contains', tag),

export const firestoreModel = new FirestoreModel({
  'function isAdmin()': `
    return exists(${rules.basePath}/admins/$(request.auth.uid));

  'function requestUserIs(uid)': `
    return request.auth.uid == uid;

  collectionGroups: {
    '/posts/{postId}': {
      allow: {
        read: true,

  '/users/{uid}': {
    model: UserModel,
    allow: {
      read: true, // open access
      write: rules.or('requestUserIs(uid)', 'isAdmin()'),

    '/posts/{postId}': {
      'function authorUidMatches()': `
        return == uid;

      model: PostModel,
      allow: {
        read: true,
        write: rules.and('requestUserIs(uid)', 'authorUidMatches()'),

export default firestoreModel

Write rules are combined with the rules automatically generated from zod schema.

2. Generate firestore.rules

yarn fireschema rules <path-to-schema>.ts

Environment variable TS_NODE_PROJECT is supported.

rules_version = '2';

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    function __validator_meta__(data) {
      return (
        (request.method == "create" && data._createdAt == request.time && data._updatedAt == request.time)
          || (request.method == "update" && data._createdAt == && data._updatedAt == request.time)

    function __validator_keys__(data, keys) {
      return data.keys().removeAll(['_createdAt', '_updatedAt']).hasOnly(keys);

    function isAdmin() {
      return exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/admins/$(request.auth.uid));

    function requestUserIs(uid) {
      return request.auth.uid == uid;

    match /{path=**}/posts/{postId} {
      allow read: if true;

    match /users/{uid} {
      function __validator_0__(data) {
        return (__validator_meta__(data) && (
          __validator_keys__(data, ['name', 'displayName', 'age', 'timestamp', 'options'])
            && is string
            && (data.displayName is string || data.displayName == null)
            && data.age is int
            && data.timestamp is timestamp
            && (data.options.a is bool || !("options" in data))

      allow read: if true;
      allow write: if ((requestUserIs(uid) || isAdmin()) && __validator_0__(;

      match /posts/{postId} {
        function authorUidMatches() {
          return == uid;

        function __validator_1__(data) {
          return (__validator_meta__(data) && (
            __validator_keys__(data, ['authorUid', 'text', 'tags'])
              && data.authorUid is string
              && data.text is string
              && data.tags is list

        allow read: if true;
        allow write: if ((requestUserIs(uid) && authorUidMatches()) && __validator_1__(;

3. Read/write collections and documents

The Firestore interface of Fireschema supports both Web SDK and Admin SDK.

import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app' // or firebase-admin
import { initializeFirestore } from 'firebase/firestore'

import { TypedFirestoreWeb } from 'fireschema'
import { firestoreModel } from './1-1-schema.js'

const app = initializeApp({
  // ...
const firestoreApp = initializeFirestore(app, {
  ignoreUndefinedProperties: true,

 * Initialize TypedFirestore
export const $web: TypedFirestoreWeb<typeof firestoreModel> =
  new TypedFirestoreWeb(firestoreModel, firestoreApp)

 * Reference collections/documents and get snapshot
const usersRef = $web.collection('users') // TypedCollectionRef instance
const userRef = usersRef.doc('userId') // TypedDocumentRef instance

const postsRef = userRef.collection('posts')
const postRef = postsRef.doc('123')
const techPostsQuery ='tech') // selector defined in schema

await userRef.get() // TypedDocumentSnap<User>
await userRef.getData() // User | undefined
await userRef.getDataOrThrow() // User

await postRef.get() // TypedDocumentSnap<PostA | PostB>
await postsRef.get() // TypedQuerySnap<PostA | PostB>
await postsRef.getData() // (PostA | PostB)[]
await techPostsQuery.get() // TypedQuerySnap<PostA | PostB>

 * Get child collection of retrived document snapshot
const snap = await usersRef.get()
const firstUserRef =[0]!.ref

await firstUserRef.collection('posts').get()

 * Reference parent collection/document
const _postsRef = postRef.parentCollection()
const _userRef = postsRef.parentDocument()

 * Reference collections groups and get snapshot
const postsGroup = $web.collectionGroup('posts')
const techPostsGroup ='tech')

await postsGroup.get() // TypedQuerySnap<PostA | PostB>
await techPostsGroup.get() // TypedQuerySnap<PostA | PostB>

 * Write data
await userRef.create(({ serverTimestamp }) => ({
  name: 'test',
  displayName: 'Test',
  age: 20,
  timestamp: serverTimestamp(),
  options: { a: true },
await userRef.setMerge({
  age: 21,
await userRef.update({
  age: 21,
await userRef.delete()

 * Transaction
await $web.runTransaction(async (tt) => {
  const snap = await tt.get(userRef)
  tt.update(userRef, {
    age:!.age + 1,

Write methods of Fireschema's document reference

  • create() - Create a document. (_createdAt / _updatedAt fields are added)
    • Web - Call JS SDK's set() internally.
      It fails if the document already exists because overwriting _createdAt is denied by the automatically generated security rules.
    • Admin - Call Admin SDK's create() internally. It fails if the document already exists.
  • setMerge() - Call set(data, { merge: true }) internally. (_updatedAt field is updated)
  • update() - Call update() internally. (_updatedAt field is updated)

set() is not implemented on fireschema because it cannot determine whether _createdAt should be included in update fields without specifying it is a new creation or an overwrite.

4. React Hooks

import React, { Suspense } from 'react'

import { useTypedCollection, useTypedDoc } from 'fireschema/hooks'
import { $web } from './1-3-typed-firestore.js'

 * Get realtime updates of collection/query
export const PostsComponent = () => {
  const userRef = $web.collection('users').doc('user1')
  const postsRef = userRef.collection('posts')

  const posts = useTypedCollection(postsRef)
  const techPosts = useTypedCollection('tech'))

  return (
    <Suspense fallback={'Loading...'}>
        {, i) => (
          <li key={i}>{post.text}</li>

 * Get realtime updates of document
export const UserComponent = ({ id }: { id: string }) => {
  const user = useTypedDoc($web.collection('users').doc(id))

  return (
    <Suspense fallback={'Loading...'}>

Usage - Cloud Functions

1. Create functions

import * as functions from 'firebase-functions'
import { z } from 'zod'

import { TypedFunctions } from 'fireschema/admin'
import { UserType, firestoreModel } from './1-1-schema.js'

 * Initialize TypedFunctions
const timezone = 'Asia/Tokyo'
const typedFunctions = new TypedFunctions(firestoreModel, timezone)
const builder = functions.region('asia-northeast1')

 * functions/index.ts file
export const UserJsonType = UserType.extend({ timestamp: z.string() })
export const callable = {
  createUser: typedFunctions.callable({
    schema: {
      input: UserJsonType, // schema of request data (automatically validate on request)
      output: z.object({ result: z.boolean() }), // schema of response data
    handler: async (data, context) => {
      console.log(data) // UserJson

      return { result: true }

export const firestoreTrigger = {
  onUserCreate: typedFunctions.firestoreTrigger.onCreate({
    path: 'users/{uid}',
    handler: async (decodedData, snap, context) => {
      console.log(decodedData) // UserDecoded (provided based on path string)
      console.log(snap) // QueryDocumentSnapshot<User>

export const http = {
  getKeys: typedFunctions.http({
    handler: (req, resp) => {
      if (req.method !== 'POST') {

export const topic = {
  publishMessage: typedFunctions.topic('publish_message', {
    schema: z.object({ text: z.string() }),
    handler: async (data) => {
      data // { text: string }

export const schedule = {
  cron: typedFunctions.schedule({
    schedule: '0 0 * * *',
    handler: async (context) => {

2. Call HTTPS callable function

Automatically provide types to request/response data based on passed functions module type.

import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app'
import { getFunctions } from 'firebase/functions'
import React from 'react'

import { TypedCaller } from 'fireschema'

type FunctionsModule = typeof import('./2-1-typed-functions.js')

const app = initializeApp({
  // ...
const functionsApp = getFunctions(app, 'asia-northeast1')

export const typedCaller = new TypedCaller<FunctionsModule>(functionsApp)

const Component = () => {
  const createUser = async () => {
    const result = await'createUser', {
      name: 'test',
      displayName: 'Test',
      age: 20,
      timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
      options: { a: true },

    if (result.error) {

  return <button onClick={createUser} />
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