



Mobile app for managing movies and TV Shows with daily reminders

Included packages

  • Tamagui
  • solito for cross-platform navigation
  • Expo SDK
  • Next.js
  • React Navigation

Folder layout

The main apps are:

  • expo (native)

  • next (web)

  • packages shared packages across apps

    • ui includes your custom UI kit that will be optimized by Tamagui
    • app you'll be importing most files from app/
      • features (don't use a screens folder. organize by feature.)
      • provider (all the providers that wrap the app, and some no-ops for Web.)
      • navigation Next.js has a pages/ folder. React Native doesn't. This folder contains navigation-related code for RN. You may use it for any navigation code, such as custom links.

API for movies

  • Copy .env.example in apps/expo to .env
  • Get an API key from themoviedb.org and add set it as THE_MOVIE_DB_API_KEY in .env

Start the app

  • Install dependencies: yarn

  • Expo local dev: yarn native

  • Next.js local dev: yarn web

To run with optimizer on in dev mode (just for testing, it's faster to leave it off): yarn web:extract. To build for production yarn:prod.

To see debug output to verify the compiler, add // debug as a comment to the top of any file.

UI Kit

Note we're following the design systems guide and creating our own package for components.

See packages/ui named @my/ui for how this works.

Add new dependencies

Pure JS dependencies

If you're installing a JavaScript-only dependency that will be used across platforms, install it in packages/app:

cd packages/app
yarn add date-fns
cd ../..

Native dependencies

If you're installing a library with any native code, you must install it in expo:

cd apps/expo
yarn add react-native-reanimated
cd ..

You can also install the native library inside of packages/app if you want to get autoimport for that package inside of the app folder. However, you need to be careful and install the exact same version in both packages. If the versions mismatch at all, you'll potentially get terrible bugs. This is a classic monorepo issue. I use lerna-update-wizard to help with this (you don't need to use Lerna to use that lib).

You may potentially want to have the native module transpiled for the next app. Add the module name to the list for withTM in the apps/next/next.config.js file.

  'expo-crypto', // <-- add this or any other native module