
Format and sort package.json in a sensible and configurable way

MIT License


Format Package codecov

yarn add -D format-package prettier@^2.0.0

Getting started

package.json files are notorious for becoming large and overwhelming. When working in teams, this can make it hard to know how to structure the file or where to find certain configurations or scripts - especially since everyone has their own preferences.

And manually going through and organizing the file seems as painful as doing formatting checks by hand in PRs.

format-package solves these problems by allowing the file to be sorted and formatted in a consistent and automated manner.

It is configurable to allow teams to pick the order that work best for them, and includes transformations that can be applied to a value in the package.json (such as logically sorting scripts).


  • node: >=14.0.0

Command Line

This module provides a simple CLI that can be run directly, with npx, or with Yarn:

./node_modules/.bin/format-package --help
# or
npx format-package --help
# or
yarn format-package --help

It can also be used as part of an npm script:

  "scripts": {
    "format:pkg": "format-package -w"
  "devDependencies": {
    "format-package": "latest"
yarn format:pkg


The module exports an asynchronous format function that takes the contents of package.json and a set of options.

It returns a newly sorted and formatted package.json string.

#!/usr/bin/env node

const fs = require('fs');
const format = require('format-package').default;
const pkg = require('<path-to-package.json>');

async function formatPackage(pkg, filePath) {
  const formattedPkg = await format(pkg, options);

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.writeFile('<path-to-package.json>', formattedPkg, (error) => {
      if (error) {


formatPackage(pkg).catch((error) => {


There are three options:

  • order (Array)
  • transformations (Object)
  • formatter (Function)

Options are expected to be passed in as a keyed object:

import format from 'format-package';
import pkg from '<path-to-package.json>';
// or
// const format = require('format-package').default;
// const pkg = require('<path-to-package.json>');

const options = {
  order: [],
  transformations: {},
  formatter: (pkg) => pkg.toString(),

format(pkg, options).then((formattedPkg) => console.log(formattedPkg));


The format-package module also exports its defaults to help with configuration:

import format from 'format-package';
import pkg from '<path-to-package.json>';
// or
// const format = require('format-package').default;
// const pkg = require('<path-to-package.json>');

const {
  defaults: { order: defaultOrder },
} = format;

// Move `` to the bottom of the default order list
const restIndex = defaultOrder.indexOf(sort, '');
let order = [...defaultOrder];

if (restIndex !== -1) {
  order.splice(restIndex, 1);


format(pkg, {
}).then((formattedPkg) => console.log(formattedPkg));


The most meaningful part of this utility is an ordered array of keys that are used to order the contents of package.json.

The default order is:


The value is considered special. It marks the location where the remaining package.json keys that are not found in this ordered list will be placed in alphabetical order.

Note: if a string is not found in the provided order list, it will be appended to the bottom.

import format from 'format-package';
import pkg from '<path-to-package.json>';
// or
// const format = require('format-package').default;
// const pkg = require('<path-to-package.json>');

const options = {
  order: [

format(pkg, options).then((formattedPkg) =>
[ 'name',
'repository' ]


transformations is a map of package.json keys and corresponding synchronous or asynchronous functions that take a key and value and return a key and value to be written to package.json.

The default transformations map has:

  • scripts function that sorts the scripts in a sensical way using 'sort-scripts'
  • exports function that ensures the ordering remains the same
  • * function that sorts the value alphabetically if possible
import sortScripts from 'sort-scripts';

import { Transformations } from '../../types';
import { alphabetize } from '../../utils/object';

const transformations: Transformations = {
  scripts(key, prevValue) {
    const nextValue = sortScripts(prevValue).reduce(
      (obj, [name, value]) => ({ ...obj, [name]: value }),

    return [key, nextValue];
  // Order of exports keys matters
  exports: (key, prevValue) => [key, prevValue],

  // Special case for all keys without defined transforms
  '*': (key, value) => [key, alphabetize(value)],

export default transformations;

The * value is considered special. It is the function that will be used for package.json keys that are not found.

Note: Any package.json property that is an object and does not have a defined transformation will use the * transformation function. If a * default function is not defined, alphabetize will be used.

Additional transformations or overrides can be passed in:

import format from 'format-package';
import pkg from '<path-to-package.json>';
// or
// const format = require('format-package').default;
// const pkg = require('<path-to-package.json>');

const options = {
  transformations: {
    // This reverses all the keys in dependencies
    dependencies(key, value) {
      return [
          .reduce((obj, k) => {
            obj[k] = value[k];
            return obj;
          }, {}),

format(pkg, options);


The formatter is the function used to prepare the contents before being returned.

A custom synchronous or asynchronous formatter can be supplied that will process the resulting package contents.

By default, the formatter will try to use prettier if it is installed, and will fallback to JSON.stringify if the peer dependency is not found:

import path from 'path';

import { Formatter } from '../../types';

const formatter: Formatter = async (obj, filePath) => {
  const content = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);

  // Try to use prettier if it can be imported,
  // otherwise add a new line at the end
  let prettier;
  try {
    prettier = require('prettier');
  } catch (error) {
    return `${content}\n`;

  let config = await prettier.resolveConfig(
    filePath ? path.dirname(filePath) : process.cwd()

  if (!config) {
    config = {};

  return prettier.format(content, {
    parser: 'json',
    printWidth: 0,

export default formatter;


The CLI accepts a series of files or globs to be formatted, as well as a set of options.

yarn format-package "**/package.json"

Options can also be passed as environment variables and are used in the following order of precedence:

  1. Command line options
  2. Env vars
Option Alias ENV Description Default
config c FORMAT_PACKAGE_CONFIG Path to a custom configuration to use. This configuration can be JavaScript, JSON, or any other format that your configuration of node can require. The default configuration can be found here.
write w FORMAT_PACKAGE_WRITE Write the output to the location of the found package.json false
ignore i FORMAT_PACKAGE_IGNORE Patterns for ignoring matching files ['**/node_modules/**']
verbose v FORMAT_PACKAGE_VERBOSE Print the output of the formatting false
help h Print help menu

You can also see the available options in the terminal by running:

yarn format-package --help

Configuration Files

format-package will search for a valid configuration file in the following order of precedence.

  1. If the option --config [path | module id] or a FORMAT_PACKAGE_CONFIG environment variable is provided:

     a. check if the value resolves to a module id, else
     b. check if value resolves to an existing path

    If either a or b are valid configuration, then use the configuration, else return the default configuration.

If neither a --config or a FORMAT_PACKAGE_CONFIG environment variable is provided, search for configurations in the following places:

  1. format-package.js
  2. format-package.yaml or format-package.yml
  3. format-package.json
  4. format-package.config.js
  5. format-package.config.yaml or format-package.config.yml
  6. format-package property in package.json

If there are no configuration from the above search places, format-package will move up one directory level and try again.

format-package will continue searching until arriving at the home directory.

If no configuration is found, then the default configuration is used.

Configuration Schema

const JoiConfigSchema = Joi.object({
  order: Joi.array().min(1).unique().optional(),
  transformations: Joi.object().optional(),
  formatter: Joi.func().optional(),

Configuration Examples

Supported configuration formats: JSON, JSON5, JS, and YAML.

with package.json

  "order": ["name", "version"]

with format-package.json

  "order": ["name", "description", "..."]

with format-package.js or format-package.config.js

module.exports = {
  order: ['name', 'description', '...'],

with format-package.{yml,yaml}, format-package.config.{yml,yaml}

  - name
  - description
  - ...


An effective integration of this plugin could look like this:


. "$(dirname "$0")/_/"

npx lint-staged


  "scripts": {
    "format:pkg": "format-package -w"
  "lint-staged": {
    "package.json": ["format-package -w"]
  "devDependencies": {
    "format-package": "latest",
    "husky": "latest",
    "lint-staged": "latest"

This configuration combines:

Together, they ensure the package.json file is automatically formatted if it changes and provides an easy package.json script for manual use:

yarn format:pkg


Clone the repo and install dependencies to get started with development:

git clone [email protected]:camacho/format-package.git
yarn install


These scripts can be run via yarn or npm run:

Script Description
prebuild clean the build directory to prevent dangling artifacts
build transpile TypeScript files in the src directory into JavaScript files in the build directory
postbuild make build/cli/index.js file executable
clean remove build and node_modules directories
clean-build remove build directory
clean-packages rimraf ./node_modules
dev run ts-node-dev with src/cli/index.ts entrypoint
docs update auto-generated-content blocks in Markdown files
format format application code
format-docs format documentation
format-package format package.json files
format-source format source content using prettier
gamut run the full gamut of checks - reset environment, generate docs, format and lint code, run tests, and build
lint lint the application code
prepare husky install
prepublishOnly make sure the package is in good state before publishing
reset clean build directory and reset the node_modules dependencies
start run the cli from build directory
test run tests for the application
type-check check source types
watch run ts-node-dev with provided entrypoint, e.g. yarn watch src/cli/index.ts

Note - This repo depends on husky and lint-staged to automatically format code and update documents. If these commands are not run, code changes will most likely fail.