
Easily render a GLSL fragment shader on an HTML canvas



Easily render a GLSL fragment shader on an HTML canvas.

fragment-canvas is a small package used for rendering fragment shaders on an HTML canvas, similar to those built with Shadertoy.


Stars (CodePen)


yarn add fragment-canvas or npm install fragment-canvas


To render a fragment shader to an existing canvas, create a new instance of FragmentCanvas:

new FragmentCanvas(canvas, options);


The options object accepts the following options:

Option Description Default
fragmentShader GLSL fragment shader string A basic color changing shader
uniforms Custom uniforms to pass to the shader. See example below. {}
autoRender Whether to automatically render the shader with requestAnimationFrame. If you set this to false, you'll have to call FragmentCanvas.render manually true
blendFunc WebGL context blending function [WebGLRenderingContext.SRC_ALPHA, WebGLRenderingContext.ONE]
vertexShader GLSL vertex shader string A basic vertex shader setting gl_Position. You probably don't need to change this!

Built-in uniforms

The following uniforms are built in and available for you to use in your shader:

Uniform Type Description
iResolution vec2 Canvas resolution
iTime float Elapsed time in seconds

Custom uniforms

To use custom uniforms, provide them via the uniform option. Here's an example of passing a custom offset uniform, dependent on elapsed time:

new FragmentCanvas(canvas, {
  fragmentShader: customFragmentShader,
  uniforms: {
    offset: (gl, location, time) => gl.uniform1f(location, Math.cos(time / 1000) * 1.0),