

Experimental static images for Gatsby

The gatsby-image, component combined with the sharp plugin, as an awesome way to automatically resize and optimise your images and serve them on the most performant way. This plugin is a proof of concept for a simpler way to use Gatsby's image processing tools without needing to write GraphQL queries. It is designed for static images such as logos rather than ones loaded dynamically from a CMS.

The normal way to do this now is with useStaticQuery:

import React from "react";
import Img from "gatsby-image";

export const Dino = () => {
  const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
    query LogoQuery {
      file(relativePath: { eq: "trex.png" }) {
        childImageSharp {
          fixed(height: 100) {

  return <Img fixed={data?.file?.childImageSharp?.fixed} alt="T-Rex" />;

This component lets you write this instead:

import React from "react";
import { StaticImage as Img } from "gatsby-plugin-static-image";

export const Dino = () => <Img height={100} src="trex.png" alt="T-Rex" />;

You can pass in options that match ones passed to the ImageSharp query:

import React from "react";
import { StaticImage as Img } from "gatsby-plugin-static-image";

export const Dino = () => (
); equivalent to:

import React from "react";
import Img from "gatsby-image";

export const Dino = () => {
  const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
    query LogoQuery {
      file(relativePath: { eq: "trex.png" }) {
        childImageSharp {
          fluid(maxWidth: 200, grayscale: true) {

  return <Img fixed={data?.file?.childImageSharp?.fixed} alt="T-Rex" />;

How does it work?

When your site is compiled, any references to StaticImage components are extracted and the props are used to generate a static query. This query is written-out to the fragments directory, which is then parsed by Gatsby as usual. The StaticImage component requires the data when it is rendered.

Are there restrictions to how this is used?

You cannot pass variables to the props: they must be literal values. For example, this is forbidden:

//Doesn't work
({ logo }) => <Img src={logo}>

...and nor does this:

//Doesn't work
() => {
    const width = 200;
    return <Img src="trex-png" width={width}>

Any other caveats?

Currently it doesn't recompile images during develop, so you'll need to restart compilation if you add or change the images.

Because of the way require works, all image data will be compiled into the bundle, rather that just the ones that you're using, so don't create lots of StaticImages that you're not going to use.

Should I used this in production?

This is a proof of concept. It may change completely or be abandoned if this turns out to be a fatally flawed approach.


npm install gatsby-plugin-static-image

...then add it to your gatsby-config.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [


The only required prop is src. The default type is fixed.

For now:

export interface ImageOptions {
  fixed?: boolean; //Default true
  fluid?: boolean;
  webP?: boolean;
  base64?: boolean; // Default true
  tracedSVG?: boolean;

export interface SomeGatsbyImageProps {
  fadeIn?: boolean;
  durationFadeIn?: number;
  title?: string;
  alt?: string;
  className?: string | object;
  critical?: boolean;
  crossOrigin?: string | boolean;
  style?: object;
  imgStyle?: object;
  placeholderStyle?: object;
  placeholderClassName?: string;
  backgroundColor?: string | boolean;
  onLoad?: () => void;
  onError?: (event: Event) => void;
  onStartLoad?: (param: { wasCached: boolean }) => void;
  Tag?: string;
  itemProp?: string;
  loading?: `auto` | `lazy` | `eager`;
  draggable?: boolean;

export interface CommonImageProps {
  quality?: number;
  jpegQuality?: number;
  pngQuality?: number;
  webpQuality?: number;
  grayscale?: boolean;
  duotone?: false | { highlight: string; shadow: string };
  toFormat?: "NO_CHANGE" | "JPG" | "PNG" | "WEBP";
    | "CENTER"
    | "NORTH"
    | "EAST"
    | "SOUTH"
    | "WEST"
    | "ENTROPY"
    | "ATTENTION";
  pngCompressionSpeed?: number;
  rotate?: number;

export interface FluidImageProps extends CommonImageProps {
  fluid?: true;
  fixed?: false;
  maxWidth?: number;
  maxHeight?: number;
  srcSetBreakpoints?: number[];
  fit?: number;
  background?: number;

export interface FixedImageProps extends CommonImageProps {
  fixed?: true;
  fluid?: false;
  width?: number;
  height?: number;

export type AllProps = ImageOptions &
  FluidImageProps &
  FixedImageProps &
  SomeGatsbyImageProps & { src: string };