
A minimal blog theme plugin for Gatsby

MIT License



A theme plugin of Gatsby for those who enjoys building their blog site with minimalist design.

Builtin Features

  • Gatsby V5 ready
  • SEO ready (site structured data & meta tags)
  • Dark / light mode switch enabled via Tailwindcss
  • Source code highlight
  • Customizable in page site links
  • Medium-like selection-popover for social sharing or copy
  • Medium-like image popover magnifier
  • Email newsletter subscription with MailChimp
  • Multiple authors for single blog post
  • And more...

Table of Contents


Install the dependencies via Yarn or NPM.

$ npm install --save-dev gatsby @pitayan/gatsby-theme-pitayan react@18 react-dom@18

# or

$ yarn add gatsby @pitayan/gatsby-theme-pitayan react@18 react-dom@18


Project Setup

Folder Structure

The necessary project folder structure looks like this. Make sure you've created all of them. For now, the folder paths are not configurable.

  ├── content/
  │ ├── authors/
  │ ├── posts/
  │ └── site/
  ├── src/
  │ └── assets/

Postcss and Tailwindcss config files

The theme is built upon Tailwindcss and PostCSS. This means you'll need to put the following files under project root folder in order to compile the CSS source.

By default, the theme provides configs for Tailwindcss & PostCSS to start quickly.

  • tailwind.config.js
  • postcss.config.js

Inside each of the config files, just export the theme's defaults if you don't need customization.

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = require("@pitayan/gatsby-theme-pitayan/tailwind.config")

// postcss.config.js
module.exports = require("@pitayan/gatsby-theme-pitayan/postcss.config")


Make sure to create a file gatsby-config.js under the project folder. All settings related to this theme can be configured under this file.

Gatsby Configs

Add the theme to the plugins.

  plugins: [
      resolve: `@pitayan/gatsby-theme-pitayan`

Plugin Options

Use the plugin options to tune up your blog.

Item Default Description
siteAssets src/assets The static assets for the site. e.g. Logo / Cover image
postsPerPage 10 How many posts to be displayed in each list page
tableOfContentsLevels 2 The maximum levels of table-of-contents to display
mailChimpEndpoint "null" The embeded form endpoint for your MailChimp account
mailChimpTimeout 3500 The AP request timeout for the MailChimp subscription
applyGatsbyRemarkPlugins () => defaultGatsbyRemarkPlugins Return your gatsby-plugin-remark plugins via this function. The argument of this function is the built-in plugins settings.


  plugins: [
      resolve: `@pitayan/gatsby-theme-pitayan`,
      options: {
        siteAssets: "src/assets",
        postsPerPage: 10,
        tableOfContentsLevels: 3,
        mailChimpEndpoint: "***",
        mailChimpTimeout: 3500,
        applyGatsbyRemarkPlugins(defaultGatsbyRemarkPlugins) => {
          // Don't forget to return the default gatsby-remark-plugins unless you hope to tune up all of the plugins by yourself
          return [


Adding Contents

Adding Site Metadata

This step is very essential before you get started with official blogging. All of the items in the table below are required.

Item Description
title Your site title. This will be used as image alt
name Your site name. This will be displayed in the top navigation bar beside the logo
description Your site's description for SEO purposes
siteUrl Your site's official URL
siteSlogan The slogan to be displayed on the home page
siteLinks A list of links to be displayed on the home links section or bottom footer
siteCookieConsent Containing properties of title & description & readMore for customizing the content of cookie consent prompt component
siteSubscription Containing properties of title & description for customizing the content of the subscription component


// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    title: `A food blog`,
    name: `Food Blog`,
    description: `This is a blog about food`,
    siteUrl: ``,
    siteSlogan: `Welcome to the food blog, I know you are already hungry`,
    siteLinks: [
        name: "privacy",
        url: "/privacy-policy",
        group: "site",
        internal: true,
        name: "about",
        url: "/about",
        group: "site,home",
        internal: true,
    // "siteCookieConsent" and "siteSubscription"'s properties have default values, leave them as empty strings to allow using the defaults
    // Override the defaults by adding your own inputs
    siteCookieConsent: {
      title: '',
      description: '',
      // For siteCookieConsent, the theme will automatically add "privacy" and "terms" like to cookie prompt if the `siteLinks` contains any matched items
      readMore: '',
    siteSubscription: {
      title: '',
      description: '',

Adding Authors

This theme uses YAML file to store and structure author data.

Authors data are managed under content/authors/. Author file format must be {name}.yml. And author avatar should be kept under avatars/ (recommend to use the same name of the author file for better management).

├── content/
│ └── authors/
│     ├── avatars
│     │   └── john.jpg
│     └── john.yml

For the author's profile, make sure to have the following details.

Note: All fields are required.

Item Type Description
id String A unique string to be used as author posts page pathname
name String The author name
initial String The preferred intial to be used as avatar if avatar picture is not provided
bio String A simple self introduction
joined String When this author started contributing posts
avatar String The author's profile picture
sns Array of Tuples A list of contact methods including SNS / emails


- id: daiyanze
  name: Yanze Dai
  initial: YD
  bio: Push at least one thing to its perfection even the entirety is yet incomplete
  joined: June 2020
  avatar: ./avatars/daiyanze.jpeg
    - [stackoverflow, 7831025/daiyanze]
    - [facebook, yanze.dai]
    - [twitter, daiyanze]
    - [github, daiyanze]
    - [medium, "@daiyanze"]
    - [mailto, mailto:[email protected]]
    - [url,]

Adding Posts

Create a new post in the content/posts folder. (Note: the file name can be anything you want)

├── content/
│ └── posts/
│     ├── my-new-post/
│     │   └──
│     └── ...

Every single post must provide a valid front matter which contains the following items

Item Type Required Description
title String true The post title
author Array of String / string true The author name or the co-authors' names
date String true The date of the post
categories Array of String true The categories to the post
description String true A simple description of the post
keywords String true The keywords for the current page. Uses for SEO purposes
hero String true The post's cover image. Better with a high resolution image
slug String false The custom url of the post. It's useful when you need a different url
noIndex Boolean false Tells searching engines stop crawling


title: The gatsby plugin options
  - Yanze Dai
  - Gino Alex
date: 2022-03-31
  - sample
  - post
description: Just a post page that displays demo components
hero: images/demo_1.jpg
slug: posts/gatsby-plugin-options

Adding Site Pages

Gatsbyjs provides the feature of creating pages with custom React components. It offers the most flexibility of creating a page. If you need to create a page with some complexities, this approach would be a good fit.

For some other common scenarios, the "site pages" can be created with Markdown files. Create such site pages in content/site folder

├── content/
│ └── site/
│     ├── terms-and-conditions/
│     │   └──
│     └── ...

Similar to Adding Posts, "site pages" should have proper front matter like below.

Item Type Required Description
title String true The post title
date String true The date of the post
description String true A simple description of the post
keywords String true The keywords for the current page. Uses for SEO purposes
slug String false The custom url of the post. It's useful when you need a different url
noIndex Boolean false Tells searching engines stop crawling
displayTitle Boolean false Should this post display the heading title


title: About
date: "2021-07-31"
description: "About our site"
keywords: about us
noIndex: true
displayTitle: true

Adding Styles

Sometime you may need to write HTML directly in the post page. Since not all of the HTML tags (e.g. <div>) are styled by this theme, there might be some unexpected layout arrangements. This theme provides some CSS utilities to let you directly adjust those raw HTML tags. It's also viable to approach this via Tailwindcss style.

Here are the built-in CSS utilities class names. See their definitions in this file: ./packages/gatsby-theme-pitayan/src/assets/css/utilities.css

  • Post Width
    • .mark-w-sm
    • .mark-w-md
    • .mark-w-lg
    • .mark-w-2l
  • Border
    • .border-t-white
    • .border-t-black
    • .text-inverted
    • .bg-inverted
    • .border-inverted

Adding Site Logo & Cover Image

It supports mainstream picture types such as jpg / png / svg etc.

Site Logo needs to have a file name of SiteLogo. And site cover needs to have a file name of SiteCover.

It is recommended to put your custom style sheets here as well.

├── src/
│ └── assets/
│     ├── SiteLogo.svg
│     ├── SiteCover.svg
│     └── style.css

Full Fledged Example

There's an example site with all of the features under packages/www. This theme only provides very essential features of the blog itself, you'll have to extend its functionalities yourself with other plugins. Thus, the example site would be a good learning material about integrating other useful Gatsby plugins.

This example site has integrated the following plugins:


Custom Events

This theme introduces some custom events to allow 3rd party scripts (or your own scripts) to follow up the on-page behaviors.

Item Custom Event Detail Property Description
CUSTOM_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION { email: string } Occurs when a user successfully subscribed to newsletters
CUSTOM_EVENT_TOGGLE_THEME { theme: 'dark' | light' } Occurs when a user changes the theme dark <-> light
CUSTOM_EVENT_SOCIAL_SHARING { sns: 'Twitter' | 'Facebook' | 'Pocket' | 'copy' } Occurs when a user shares to SNS / copes the post URL

Browser Support

Making sure all functions across different browsers is a hard-work. For now, it only supports the latest version of the major browsers. Do consider open an issue or provide a PR relating to browser compatibility.


This project is a Monorepo. Which uses npm as package manager. As long as the Node supports npm workspaces then it should fit the contributing prerequisites.

To be verbose, the recommended Node version: >= 16.5.0.

# To start local development
$ npm -w packages/www run develop

# To clean caches
$ npm -w packages/www run clean

# To build local
$ npm -w packages/www run build

# To serve local build
$ npm -w packages/www run serve

Release Routines

Change branch to master and tag the commit.

  • Run npm -w packages/gatsby-theme-pitayan version patch|minor|major
  • Run npm -w packages/gatsby-theme-pitayan publish --access public
  • Create a Github release


  1. Does it support Gatsby V3?

Sorry, it doesn't. This plugin has a peerDependency of "gatsby":"^4.0.0-next".

  1. Can I add a custom component to an existing page?

As for now, you could only add custom components to markdown articles. Existing pages like home / posts / categories / authors are not customizable yet.

  1. How should I adjust theme for my blog?

You could add your own style sheets or update the definitions inside tailwind.config.js, but it has limited support and may cause expected behavior.

It's recommended to wait until the theme is tuned to a proper state (might introduce a big change). By then, you'll be able to customize the theme by yourself. See Road Map

  1. How about importing data from Contentful?

Sorry, it's not available yet but it's on the Road Map.

Road Map

  • Make the theme into Tailwindcss Preset (Themable)
  • Search function (perhaps with Algolia?)
  • Test cases (unit test & integration test)
  • Keyboard accessibility (back & forward etc)
  • Source from Contentful
  • Comment system with or disquz
  • Content text highlight (local notes)