
A circular visual for conveying a percentage. Inspired by Vercel.


Geist Gauge

This is a replication of Vercel's Gauge component from their Geist Design System. It can be used as a circular visual for conveying a percentage. You can view the demo here:



  • Will work in any React application.
  • Tailwind is NOT a requirement, but can be used to adjust the styling of this component through the className prop.
  • This is a standalone component that you need to copy/paste to your codebase. I might make it an NPM package in the future.
  1. Copy the gauge component from here: gauge.tsx

  2. Copy the required colors from global.css. At minimum, you will need gray, red, amber, blue, and green.

  3. Import into your page

    import { Gauge } from "@/components/gauge";
    export default function Home() {
      return (
         // ...
         <Gauge value={75} className='size-24' />
         // ...


The Gauge component requires a value prop and supports many others to customize it according to your needs.

  • value: a number from 0 to 100 representing the current value of the gauge, expressed as a percentage.
  • size: a number to represent pixels or a string like 100% to take up the parent containers dimensions, which is useful when you want to for example, dynamically size the gauge based on screen width using tailwind's breakpoint prefix classNames. Defaults to "100%".
  • gapPercent: a number to set the gap percent between primary and secondary arcs. Defaults to 5%.
  • strokeWidth: a number to set the arc thickness. Defaults to 10px.
  • equal: a boolean to determine whether the gauge should have equal primary and secondary arc lengths. Defaults to false.
  • showValue: a boolean to determine whether the % value should be shown inside the gauge. Defaults to true.
  • primary - a string color value for the primary arc. You can also pass an array with threshold values and the respective colors to make it dynamic. Defaults to a dynamic range with 25% steps going red, amber, blue, green.
  • secondary - a string color value for the secondary arc. You can also pass an array with threshold values and the respective colors to make it dynamic. Defaults to a hue of gray.
  • transition - an array of transition settings for the gauge's animation, specifying the length, step, and delay of transitions represented in ms. Defaults to 1000, 200, 0 respectively.
  • className - a string to represent the className of the svg. You can also pass an object with svgClassName, primaryClassName, secondaryClassName, and textClassName for more customization.
  • props - any other prop accepted by a React SVG element.

Inspiration & Credits

  • Thanks to the @vercel design team for the awesome component.
  • Thanks to @mfts work on the previous version of this component.