
Collect some Github Committer- and Pull-Requests Metrics from the GitHub API.



Warning This project is still a work in progress and is not production ready yet!

Collect GitHub Committer- and Pull-Requests Metrics for entire GitHub Organisations and put them into a CSV. The metrics can then be put into PowerBI or Excel to produce some visualization to show the GitHub Activity of an enterprise or organisation.


Download the binary from the assets of the latest release that matches your target OS and then execute it like this:

GITHUB_TOKEN=$GITHUB_TOKEN gh-metrics-collector --organisation=<organisation> 

You have to provide a $GITHUB_TOKEN that has access to the target organisation. For more details, see Required Permissions of Token below.

This will write some csv-files (see Produced Data) to the metrics directory relative to where you executed the binary.


The following options can be specified:

  -V, --version                            output the version number
  -o, --organisation <organisation>        The GitHub Organisation to collect metrics from.
  -g, --github-server <github-server-url>  The GitHub Server to use (without protocol). Defaults to
                                           (default: "")
  -r, --repository <repository>            If this options is provided, metrics will only be collected for that single
                                           repository. Good for a test run.
  -s, --since <since-date>                 Filter collected metrics to those that occured after this date.
  -u, --until <until-date>                 Filter collected metrics to those that occured before this date.
  -t, --tasks [tasks...]                   The different collection tasks you want to run. Possible tasks are "commits"
                                           and "prs". Specify multiple by separating them with a space. Default to all
                                           tasks. (default: ["commits","prs"])
  -c, --concurrency <concurrency>          The number of concurrent tasks to schedule. Mainly used to speed up things
                                           while not overloading the GitHub API. (default: "5")
  -v, --verbose                            Enable debug logging output. (default: false)
  -h, --help                               display help for command


To get all metrics of the year 2021 for the my-test-organisation of your GitHub Server instance into the directory:

GITHUB_TOKEN=$GITHUB_TOKEN gh-metrics-collector \
  --organisation my-test-organisation \
  --github-server '' \
  --since '2021-01-01' \
  --until '2021-12-12'

Required Permissions of Token

To use this tool, you need to create a GitHub PAT with the following permissions:

  • repo - to clone repositories to get all commits and read pull requests and issue comments
  • read:org - to get all organisations and all repositories accross organisations
  • read:user - to check and respect API Rate Limits for the given token

Use read -s on Linux to safely get the Token into an ENV Variable:

## Pase the token and hit <enter>

Rate Limits and timings

As the data to receive via API Calls can become quite large, the tool will respect the GitHub API Rate Limits for Cloud and Server. This means it will throttle API Calls as well as pause execution if rate-limits are exceeded until they reset (usually after 1 hour).

Note: Due to the high amount API calls to make, the throttling as well as respecting rate limits, this script might take several hours to complete.

Produced Data

Running this script will produce data for commits as well as pull-requests into several csv-files with the contents shown below.

You can limit what is collected by using the --tasks flag, e.g. to only collect pull-requests:

GITHUB_TOKEN=$GITHUB_TOKEN gh-metrics-collector --tasks prs --organisation my-test-organisation


Contains all git logs of all Repositories (or the one specified with --repository) of the given Organisation with the following fields:

  • Author date as commitDate (fallback to committer date if not available)
  • The Commit SHA
  • Author name as commitAuthor (fallback to committer name if not available)
  • Source Organisation
  • Source Repository



The CSV Will be written to metrics/commits-<CURRENT_DATETIME>.csv

How commit collection works

The logs are taken by cloning every repository without its contents (git clone --filter=blob:none --no-checkout) and then using git log --all to collect all logs-data.


Contains all pull-requests of all Repositories (or the one specified with --repository) of the given Organisation with the following fields:

  • createdAt
  • updatedAt
  • closedAt
  • mergedAt
  • (planned) inactiveAt
  • Source Organisation
  • Source Repository

There are 2 CSVs created:

  • metrics/pullRequests_all_<CURRENT_DATETIME>.csv: Contains all pull requests in a raw format.
  • metrics/pullRequests_processed_<CURRENT_DATETIME>.csv: Only contains pull request that satisify the given --since and --until dates.

How pull request collection works

The pull requests are collected through the GitHub GraphQL API in a paginated query and then streamed to the metrics/pullRequests_all_<CURRENT_DATETIME>.csv file as an intermediate storage.

Once they are all fetched, a Post-Process is performed which filters out all pull requests that do not satisfy the given --since and --until dates.

This filter checks if at least one of the dates (createdAt, updatedAt, closedAt, mergedAt) is between the given date range.


  • Add an inactiveAt field to the prs as this information does not come from the API, but needs to be calculated
  • Provide input Data through JSON (Server baseUrl, output path)
  • Save Pagination (and other?) state to pick up the migration later --continue <stateFile>
  • Have --dry-run - only count the organizations and commit objects (if possible)
  • Calculate the remaning time (use the response times to create an average and multply with pages remaning)
  • Allow controlling the concurrency as well as throughput with two variables:
    • throughput: Maximum amount of time to query the API in one second