
🎁 A library to generate unbiased pairs of names for a gift exchange or secret santa.

ISC License


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An algorithm to generate unbiased pairs of names for a gift exchange or secret santa.

No person can be matched with themselves, anyone in the same group as themselves, or against any of the custom exclusions that can be set.


npm i gift-exchange


The library ships CommonJS, ES module, and UMD builds. The UMD build makes the library available with the GiftExchange name.


function calculate(people: Person[], exclusions?: Exclusion[]): Person[];
// or
function calculate(
  people: Person[],
  options?: {
    exclusions?: Exclusion[];
    timeout?: number;
): Person[];

A Person array is always required. A Person must have a unique name and optionally a group. A Person cannot be matched with another person in the same group nor with themselves. A mix of people that both have and do not have a group is supported. Additional exclusion logic can be configured with Exclusions.

calculate returns a new Person array or throws an Error if the matching algorithm fails to find a valid match after 1 second (or custom timeout, if provided), indicating that an impossible combination of people and exclusions was provided. If given an impossible configuration or one with few possible matches, and many people, this will block the thread. To avoid this, it is recommended to run the script in a WebWorker.

import { calculate, Person } from "gift-exchange";

const people: Person[] = [
    name: "Brian",
    name: "Freja",

try {
  const matches = calculate(people);
  const pairs: { from: string; to: string }[] =, i) => ({
    to: matches[i].name,
} catch (e) {


validateMatches(a: Person[], b: Person[], exclusions?: Exclusion[]): boolean;

This is an internal helper function that validates that two Person arrays and an optional Exclusion array are valid matches where no person is matched with themselves, in the same group, or violating any exclusions. This could be helpful if you are creating your own implementation.


Exclusions build beyond the existing concept that no person can match another in the same group.

Exclusions are single directional. Use the type and subject properties to select a base Person or group of Persons (base selection). Then select an excludedType and excludedSubject to select the Person or group of Persons that the base selection cannot be matched with.

The There are two exclusion types, one of type name and one of type group. The type refers to a key on the Person interface. The subject is a selector for any number of people that have the given type equal to the subject.

import { Person, Exclusion } from "gift-exchange";

const people: Person[] = [
    name: "Brian",
    group: "Mitchell",
    name: "Freja",
    group: "Andersen",
const exclusions: Exclusion[] = [
  // a person with the name "Brian" cannot be assigned to a person with the name
  // "Freja" (but "Freja" could still be assigned to "Brian")
    type: "name",
    subject: "Brian",
    excludedType: "name",
    excludedSubject: "Freja",
  // anyone with the group "Andersen" cannot be assigned to a person with the
  // name "Brian"
    type: "group",
    subject: "Andersen",
    excludedType: "name",
    excludedSubject: "Brian",
  // anyone with the group "Andersen" cannot be assigned to a person with the
  // group "Mitchell"
    type: "group",
    subject: "Andersen",
    excludedType: "group",
    excludedSubject: "Mitchell",


The algorithm is based off of Dr Hannah Dry's solution for secret santa as described in Numberphile video The Problems with Secret Santa. This type of problem is called a derangement. This approach gives each person an equal chance for being matched with any other person. We make a derangement, then check for the same group followed by each exclusion in the list of exclusions. If the derangement does not satisfy each exclusion rule, then we shuffle the list of people and make a new derangement.