



Monorepo for the glowjob project.

Project structure

├── apps 
   ├── api # Spring boot api
   └── web # React web app powered by vite
└── libs
    ├── ui # Common UI components, hooks and utils
    ├── theme # Centralized Chakra-UI theme for all components
    └── openapi # OpenAPI schema for API and auto-generated client services and typescript models

Understanding the project

API auto-generated client

The front-end http client is auto-generated from the API OpenAPI schema using openapi-codegen. The codegen is run in 3 different situations :

  • Each time a .java file is modified and saved in the api app source code.
  • Each time the web app is build.
  • On demand with the nx run openapi:generate command.

This ensures that the client is always up to date with the API.

The output of the codegen is located in libs/openapi/src/generated and the openapi specification is located in libs/openapi/src/openapi.yaml.

Concretly, the codegen generates :

  • apiSchemas.ts: all the typescript models synced on the request input and response data output of the api controllers.
  • apiComponents.ts: @tanstack/query (previously react-query) hooks for each API endpoint their associated fetch functions for classic async/await calls.
  • apiFetcher.ts: the fetcher function used by @tanstack/query to make the actual http calls, which is completely customizable and won't be overwritten by the codegen.

CLI commands

In addition to classic nx generators commands, the project have additionnal commands to help with development by generating different type of files:

  • pnpm g:web: Generate files for apps/web. It can generate following types of files dynamically:
    • component: Generate a component.
    • page: Generate a page.
  • pnpm g:ui: Generate files for libs/ui. It can generate following types of files dynamically:
    • component: Generate a component with a storybook story.


Initialize the project

  1. Install Node dependencies
    npm install --legacy-peer-deps
  2. Install nx globally
    npm install -g nx
  3. Install Java dependencies
    mvn -f apps/api/pom.xml dependency:resolve



Before starting the server

Launch the Docker Compose stack used by the API

docker compose -f infra/docker/compose.yml up -d

Start the server

mvn -f apps/api/pom.xml spring-boot:run

Generate the OpenAPI's server definitions

Be sure to launch the API before generating the definitions

mvn -f apps/api/pom.xml springdoc-openapi:generate


Start in dev mode

nx run web:dev


nx run web:build

Serve the build

nx run web:preview


Generate client

nx run openapi:generate