
Add validation to your mutations arguments using yup!

MIT License


GraphQL Mutations Validation Yup Middleware

  1. What is this?
  2. Install
  3. Usage

I have no plans to add new features to this library - It's on mainteance-only mode. When building the schema for any new GraphQL server, my recommendation is to use nexus, which has native support for plugins - I have a few plugins available in JCMais/nexus-plugins, including one for Yup validation.

What is this?

It's a middleware to be used with graphql-middleware to add validations to mutations arguments using yup.

It originated from this post:


yarn add graphql-yup-middleware

Keep in mind that you also need to have graphql (>= 15), graphql-middleware (>= 6) and yup as dependencies of your project.


The yupMutationMiddleware function exported by this package should always be called when adding it as middleware. Do not add it without calling first.

It accepts the following options, all are optional:

type YupMiddlewareOptions = {
  // In case of errors, this function is going to be used to build the response. More on this below.
  errorPayloadBuilder?: (
    error: ValidationError,
    errorContext: YupMiddlewareErrorContext,
  ) => Object;
  // if the values returned by yup should be merged into the args passed to the mutation resolver
  shouldTransformArgs?: boolean;
  // any options that are accepted by yup validate method
  yupOptions?: ValidateOptions;

The defaults are:

  shouldTransformArgs: true,
  yupOptions: {
    abortEarly: false,

The default errorPayloadBuilder makes the following assumptions about your mutation response fields:

  1. It's an object with nested fields, that is, your mutation does not return a scalar value
  2. One of those is named error.
  3. error field is of type String or MutationValidationError.

And it's going to create a payload based on the error type:

  1. String: return error.message on it.
  2. MutationValidationError: return an error object matching the following definition:
type FieldValidationError {
  field: String!
  errors: [String!]!

type MutationValidationError {
  message: String!
  details: [FieldValidationError!]!

MutationValidationError and FieldValidationError are both exported as SDL, so you can add them to your typeDefs:

import {
} from 'graphql-yup-middleware';

// ...

const typeDefs = [
  /* ...your other types */

// ...

And they are also exported as GraphQLObjectType, in case you are building your schema manually, just append Type to their name.

import {
} from 'graphql-yup-middleware';


For using it with other servers, like apollo, express, koa, etc, you are going to need to install graphql-middleware too:

yarn add graphql-middleware

Then you can apply the middleware to your schema:

import { applyMiddleware } from 'graphql-middleware';
import { yupMutationMiddleware } from 'graphql-yup-middleware';

// ... use makeExecutableSchema from apollo-tools, or build your schema yourself

const schemaWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(schema, yupMiddleware());

Setting the Validation Schema of each Mutation

For each mutation that you want to validate the args, you must define the validation schema on the definition of the mutation. This is done using the extensions field:

const resolvers = {
  // ...
  Mutation: {
    AddUser: {
      extensions: {
        yupMiddleware: {
          validationSchema: yupSchemaHere,
      resolve: async (root, args, context, info) => {
        // ...

You can also pass another property named validationOptions to pass other options that should only be used for this mutation.


If using the helper mutationWithClientMutationId from graphql-relay, you need to store the resulting mutation configuration to a variable, since if you try to add the validationSchema directly, it's not going to work (graphql-relay does not forward extra properties). See this issue for more details:

This will not work:

export default mutationWithClientMutationId({
  name: 'MyMutation',
  validationSchema: yup.object().shape({
    input: yup.object().shape({
      // ...
  mutateAndGetPayload: async (args) => {
    // ...
  outputFields: {
    // ...

This will:

const mutation = mutationWithClientMutationId({
  name: 'MyMutation',
  mutateAndGetPayload: async (args) => {
    // ...
  outputFields: {
    // ...

export default {
  extensions: {
    yupMiddleware: {
      validationSchema: yup.object().shape({
        input: yup.object().shape({
          // ...