
Typescript GRPC Boilerplate with CI/CD setup for kuberneates and envoy


Microservice Mesh


  • twitter Backend
  • comman NPM package for binddings all comman library like grpc,mysql,logging
  • Exotel client for testing backend
  • Dockerfile & K8s (Both work independently on platform google/aws/datacenter)
  • bitbucket-pipelines.yml (yml file for bitbucet pipeline for CI-CD)
  • .Circle CI (yml config for service mess deplyment of microservices)
  • cloudbuild (build file for REST deployment of Google builder)
  • envoy config (service discovvery)
  • (sonar configration for sonar scan)


  • nodejs (8+)
  • npm
  • docker
  • kubectl


Get started

$ sudo make

How to test functions :

Test getUser Function

$ docker run -it --rm  twitter-client node client get 1 

Test createUser Function

$ docker run -it --rm  twitter-client node client insert Yuvraj evalsocket hello@123 

Test followUser Function

$ docker run -it --rm  twitter-client node client follow 1 2 

Test homeTimeline Function

$ docker run -it --rm  twitter-client node client home 1  

Test userTimeline Function

$ docker run -it --rm  twitter-client node client timeline 1  

Test createTweet Function

$ docker run -it --rm twitter-client node client tweet 1  hello

Configration : Change mysql configration (local)

How to start without docker :

$ #Run backend 
$ npm install (Install npm dependencies)
$ npm run build (Build typescript)
$ npm run serve (start grpc server port 8080)
$ npm run dev (start grpc server on dev mode port 8080)
$ #Run client 
$ cd client
$ export grpc_backend=
$ npm install
$ node cleint get 1

How to start with docker :

$ # Run Docker container
$ docker build -t twitter-backend .
$ docker run -d --name twitter-backend twitter-backend
$ # Run envoy proxy 
$ cd envoy
$ docker build -t front-envoy .
$ docker run -d --name front-envoy --link  twitter-backend:twitter-backend -p 8080:8080 front-envoy
$ # Run exotel client 
$ cd client
$ docker build -t twitter-client .
$ docker run -d --name twitter-client  --env grpc_backend= ENGINE) twitter-client (If you are running backend locally the use
$ docker run -d --name twitter-client  --env grpc_backend= envoy proxy) twitter-client (If you are running backend locally the use

How to start with kubctl : (optional)

$ # Run Docker container
$ docker build -t twitter-backend .
$ docker run -it --name twitter-backend -p 50051:8080 twitter-backend
$ Replace Variable name manully in k8s/k8s/cloudbuild/deployment.yml
$ kubectl  apply -f k8s/k8s/cloudbuild/deployment.yml

To-DO :

  • Logger is created in comman lib (connected to google stackdriver with winston) just need to write log in the backend (error handling is not done)
  • Test cases are their just for testing demo( someone has to write test cases for all function)
  • Improve proto file by using proto third party like(struct and datetime)
  • For actual service mesh we have to divide backend into two microservice (tweet & user) and decide the envoy config
  • I think work needed on mysql queries (didn't test for billion entries) but for now i rely on infra