
Share your favorite Angular resources of 2019


Hacktoberfest 2019 Angular Resources


Add your favorite Angular resource from the year! This can be a resource that you enjoyed, learned from, or came back to the most frequent.

Add your resource at resources.json, this can be done directly via the GitHub UI in the browser or you can also fork and clone this project locally.

Before adding your resource at resources.json, please search whether the title of the resource already exists in the file to avoid duplicates. Please make this check before submitting a Pull Request.

After your resource is added, do not forget to create a Pull Request. Once the Pull Request is merged, your resource will be visible!

If this is your first time I can recommend How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub by Kent C. Dodds.

As an example, you can take a look at how I added my resource.

The structure of a resource

A resource has to look a certain way, here below you can find an example:

  "title": "The title",
  "description": "A short description",
  "author": {
    "name": "The author's name",
    "profile": "A link to the author's bio - this is optional"
  "url": "The url to the resource",
  "category": "The category of the resource this can be one of the following, library, article, talk, book, recording or course",
  "contributor": {
    "name": "Your name",
    "profile": "A link to your bio - this is optional"

Or take a look at the schema.

Hacktoberfest details

See the Hacktoberfest website for more information.