
Automatically expose internal Solidity functions for smart contract testing.



A Hardhat plugin to automatically expose internal functions for smart contract testing.


npm install -D hardhat-exposed

Add to hardhat.config.js:


Note: After setting up for the first time, you may need to recompile with hardhat compile --force once.


The plugin will create "exposed" versions of your contracts that will be prefixed with the symbol $, and its internal functions will be exposed as external functions with a $ prefix as well.

These exposed contracts will be created in a contracts-exposed directory. We strongly suggest adding this directory to .gitignore.

If you have a contract called Foo, with an internal function called _get:

const Foo = ethers.getContractFactory('$Foo');
// or const Foo = artifacts.require('$Foo');

const foo = Foo.deploy();
await foo.$_get();

The plugin will also generate a constructor to initialize your abstract contracts.

For example, in this set of contracts notice that C is abstract because it doesn't call B's constructor.

contract A {
    constructor(uint a) {}
contract B {
    constructor(uint b) {}
contract C is A, B {
    constructor(uint c) A(0) {}

In the plugin-generated exposed version of C, there will be an additional parameter to initialize B.

contract $C is C {
    constructor(uint256 b, uint256 c) B(b) C(c) {}

The order of parameters in this generated constructor will be according to the linearization of the parent contracts, starting with the most base contract and ending with the most derived one. This order can be unintuitive, so in these cases make sure you test the contract was initialized as desired.

Note that if a contract is abstract because it's missing an implementation for a virtual function, the exposed contract will remain abstract too.

Storage Pointers

Some internal functions may contain storage pointers in arguments or return values.

Return values are converted to memory pointers (as long as they're not mappings, in this case it's not possible to expose the function), so a struct for example is copied to return data and readable from the tests.

Arguments that are storage pointers are replaced with an integer that is used as an index into a storage array. This allows to test function calls that act on storage such as data structures.


Include an exposed field in your Hardhat config.

exposed: {
  include?: string[] = ['**/*'],
  exclude?: string[] = [],
  outDir?: string = 'contracts-exposed',
  prefix?: string = '$',