
Tour of Heroes web sevice built using Nestjs and MongoDb

MIT License


Nest node framework and MongoDB: Backend service for my Tour of Heroes web and mobile apps.

How to run

create a database in Mlab. Make sure to create a user that has a read and write role.

$ git clone https://github.com/webmasterdevlin/nestjs-mongodb.git
$ cd nestjs-mongodb
$ npm run start:dev


Url of api docs http://localhost:5000/docs/

Url of Nestjs in production. https://nestjs-mongodb-g2nm85c59.now.sh

How to deploy to Netlify? here

How to include environment variables? here

Note: Hiding secret keys in your environment variables is a best practice. However, I'm not worried not setting it up here because the mongo server that I'm using is free.