
Starter template for Next.js-based Home Assistant frontends.


Home Assistant Next.js Starter

This is a very basic Next.js starter for creating custom frontends for Home Assistant. It includes auth and connection functionality from home-assistant-js-websocket.


  • Authentication
  • Connection management
  • Entity helper hooks
  • Service helpers
  • Config helpers

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/dangreco/home-assistant-nextjs-starter 
  1. Install dependencies
$ yarn
  1. Edit utils/config.ts with the name of your app:
const APP_NAME = 'app-name'; // <- Edit this!

export {
  1. Start the dev server
$ yarn dev
  1. Open up localhost:3000 in your browser, you're done!



  • useEntity( entityId: string ) Retrieves an entity for the given entityId,undefined if the entity is not found.

  • useEntities( entityIds?: string[] ) Retrives an object of entities matching the given entityIds. If a given entity with ID entityId was not found, the corresponding entry myEntities[entityId] will be undefined. If entityIds is undefined, this hook returns all entities.

  • useDomain( domain: string ) Retrieves an object of entities matching the given domain. E.g., useDomain('light') will return all entities with IDs matching light.xxxxxxxx.

  • useQuery( query: string ) Searches all available entites by query. Matches are based on both the entity_id and friendly_name of the entity.

  • TODO useHistory( entityId: string ) Retrieves the history for an entity given its entityId.


  • useDiscovery( max?: number ) Finds Home Assistant servers on the local network. Stops the search once max instances are found. If max is undefined, this will search forever.

  • useAuth() Retrieves current authentication information. The field logout is a function to log out of the current auth.

  • useHass() Retrieves the current Home Assistant state, incuding fields connection, entities, services, config.


  • pages/index.tsx This is where your "dashboard" should go. The user will be redirected to this route after succesful authentication.

  • pages/auth/index.tsx This is where the user will find a Home Assistant instance and authenticate.

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