
Realtime VRM Humanoid Avatar Animation using Human Library and ThreeJS

MIT License


VR Humanoid Avatar using Human library

Head, face, eye, body and hand tracking

Implementation in TypeScript using Human library for human analysis, three for 3D display and scene management and @pixiv/three-vrm for VR model mapping


VR Model


  • Implemented: 3D head angle, eye blinks, eye gaze direction, simple emotions, mouth opens


  • Implemented: shoulder lean, positions for elbow, wrist, hip, knee
  • Missing: front/back detection, detailed leg and arm positions, input validation to avoid unnatural movement


  • Based on calculating finger curl instead of updating positions
  • Implemented: hand rotation, finger curls
  • Missing: finger positions


Install using npm install Run using npm run dev to build a JS bundle and start an internal http/https dev server

2021-09-16 09:50:30 INFO:  human-vrm version 0.2.1
2021-09-16 09:50:30 INFO:  User: vlado Platform: linux Arch: x64 Node: v16.8.0
2021-09-16 09:50:30 INFO:  Application: { name: 'human-vrm', version: '0.2.1' }
2021-09-16 09:50:30 INFO:  Environment: { profile: 'development', config: 'build.json', tsconfig: true, eslintrc: true, git: true }
2021-09-16 09:50:30 INFO:  Toolchain: { build: '0.4.1', esbuild: '0.12.28', typescript: '4.4.3', typedoc: '0.21.9', eslint: '7.32.0' }
2021-09-16 09:50:30 INFO:  Build: { profile: 'development', steps: [ 'serve', 'watch', 'compile' ] }
2021-09-16 09:50:30 STATE: WebServer: { ssl: false, port: 8000, root: '.' }
2021-09-16 09:50:30 STATE: WebServer: { ssl: true, port: 8001, root: '.', sslKey: 'node_modules/@vladmandic/build/cert/https.key', sslCrt: 'node_modules/@vladmandic/build/cert/https.crt' }
2021-09-16 09:50:30 STATE: Watch: { locations: [ 'src/**', 'src/**' ] }
2021-09-16 09:50:31 STATE: Compile: { name: 'human-vrm', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/human-vrm.ts', output: 'dist/human-vrm.esm.js', files: 2, inputBytes: 17217, outputBytes: 3780124 }
2021-09-16 09:50:31 INFO:  Listening...

Navigate to https://localhost:10031

...Or use sources in your build environment and deploy on your web server