
Infos FE app


Infos FE


This is the front-end for Infos, a platform where you can register and create some desired company information so anyone can look at it easily. You can find a company without any registration and see contact info, but you can't edit, delete, or create a company. You can edit and delete a company only if you're the author of that company. If you are authorized, you can create companies.


React with TypeScript Ant Design for UI components Zustand for state management GraphQL with Apollo Client for data fetching React Router for routing i18next for internationalization SCSS for styling

Getting Started

Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory Install dependencies using your preferred package manager (e.g. npm install or pnpm install) Start the development server with npm run start Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

pnpm start: Starts the development server pnpm run build: Builds the app for production pnpm run preview: Serves the production build locally for previewing pnpm run format: Formats the code using Prettier pnpm run lint: Lints the code using ESLint pnpm run lint:tsc: Checks for type errors using TypeScript


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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