
Check if a value is valid JSON.

MIT License


Check if a value is valid JSON.

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Please reach out if you're looking for a Node.js API or CLI engineer (11 years of experience). Most recently I have been Netlify Build's and Netlify Plugins' technical lead for 2.5 years. I am available for full-time remote positions.



import isJsonValue from 'is-json-value'

const input = { one: true, two: { three: Symbol() } }
input.self = input

// Throws due to cycle with 'self'.
// Also, 'two.three' would be omitted since it has an invalid JSON type.

const warnings = isJsonValue(input)
const isValidJson = warnings.length === 0 // false
// [
//   {
//     message: 'Property "two.three" must not be a symbol.',
//     path: ['two', 'three'],
//     value: Symbol(),
//     reason: 'ignoredSymbolValue'
//   },
//   {
//     message: 'Property "self" must not be a circular value.',
//     path: ['self'],
//     value: <ref *1> { one: true, two: [Object], self: [Circular *1] },
//     reason: 'unsafeCycle'
//   }
// ]

if (!isValidJson) {
  // Error: Property "two.three" must not be a symbol.
  throw new Error(warnings[0].message)


npm install is-json-value

This package works in both Node.js >=18.18.0 and browsers.

This is an ES module. It must be loaded using an import or import() statement, not require(). If TypeScript is used, it must be configured to output ES modules, not CommonJS.



input any Return value: Warning[]

Returns an array of warnings. If input is valid to serialize as JSON, that array is empty.


Each warning is an object indicating that a specific property is invalid to serialize as JSON. The same property might have multiple warnings.


Type: string

Warning message, like 'Property "example" must not be a symbol.'


Type: Array<string | symbol | number>

Path to the invalid property. Empty array if this is the top-level value.


Type: unknown

Value of the invalid property.


Type: string

Reason for the warning among:


This is the list of possible warnings.

Invalid types

JSON only supports booleans, numbers, strings, arrays, objects and null. Any other type is omitted or transformed by JSON.stringify().


const invalidJson = { prop: () => {} }
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // '{}'


const invalidJson = { prop: undefined }
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // '{}'

Symbol values

const invalidJson = { prop: Symbol() }
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // '{}'

Symbol keys

const invalidJson = { [Symbol()]: true }
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // '{}'

NaN and Infinity

const invalidJson = { one: Number.NaN, two: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // '{"one":null,"two":null}'


const invalidJson = { prop: new Set([]) }
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // '{"prop":{}}'

Non-enumerable keys

const invalidJson = {}
Object.defineProperty(invalidJson, 'prop', { value: true, enumerable: false })
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // '{}'

Array properties

const invalidJson = []
invalidJson.prop = true
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // '[]'


JSON.stringify() can throw on specific properties.


const invalidJson = { prop: true }
invalidJson.self = invalidJson
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // Throws: Converting circular structure to JSON


const invalidJson = { prop: 0n }
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // Throws: Do not know how to serialize a BigInt

Big properties

const invalidJson = { prop: '\n'.repeat(5e8) }
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // Throws: Invalid string length

Infinite recursion

const invalidJson = { toJSON: () => ({ invalidJson }) }
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // Throws: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Exceptions in toJSON()

const invalidJson = {
  prop: {
    toJSON: () => {
      throw new Error('example')
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // Throws: example

Exceptions in getters

const invalidJson = {
  get prop() {
    throw new Error('example')
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // Throws: example

Exceptions in proxies

const invalidJson = new Proxy(
  { prop: true },
    get: () => {
      throw new Error('example')
JSON.stringify(invalidJson) // Throws: example

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