
Smart comment and whitespace cleaner for JavaScript-like files

MIT License



Smart comment and whitespace cleaner for JavaScript-like files.

With js-cleanup you have:

  • Compaction of empty lines within multiline comments and/or out of them.
  • Normalization of line endings to Unix, Mac, or Windows.
  • Removal of JavaScript comments through powerful, configurable filters.
  • Removal of trailing whitespace of each line.
  • TypeScript definitions.
  • Sourcemap support.

Although js-cleanup is not locked to a particular JavaScript dialect and can handle any JS-like file: TypeScript, Flow, React, ES9, etc, it is mainly a postprocessor, so it should be runned in a later stage of your toolchain, after any preprocessor or transpiler.

js-cleanup requires node v10.14.2 or above, but avoid the buggy v11.x

Why not Uglify?

Uglify is a excelent minifier but you have little control over the results, while with js-cleanup your coding style remains intact and the removal of comments is strictly under your control.

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I'm a full-stack developer with more than 20 year of experience and I try to share most of my work for free and help others, but this takes a significant amount of time and effort so, if you like my work, please consider...

Of course, feedback, PRs, and stars are also welcome ๐Ÿ™ƒ



$ npm install js-cleanup -D
# or
$ yarn add js-cleanup -D


jsCleanup(sourceCode: string, fileName?: string | null, options?: Options): Result;


The result is a plain JS object of this type:

type Result = {
  code: string;
  map?: object | null;
Name Description
code The processed code.
map A raw sourcemap object, or null if the text did not change.Undefined if sourcemap:false.


Type definition:

type Options = {
  comments?: string | RegExp;
  compactComments?: boolean;
  maxEmptyLines?: number; // use -1 to preserve all the lines
  lineEndings?: string; // 'mac' | 'unix' | 'win'
  sourcemap?: boolean;
  sourcemapOptions: {
    includeContent?: boolean;
    inlineMap?: boolean;
    hires?: boolean;
Name Default Description
comments 'some' Filter or array of filters that determinates which comments should be preserved.Use "all" to keep all, or "none" to remove all the comments.
compactComments true Should js-cleanup also compact whitespace and blank lines in the preserved multiline comments?Line-ending normalization is always done.
maxEmptyLines 0 Maximum successive empty lines to preserve in the output.Use a positive value, or -1 to preserve all the lines
lineEndings 'unix' Type of Line-ending for normalization: "unix", "mac", "win".
sourcemap true Should js-cleanup generate a sourcemap?
sourcemapOptions -
includeContent false Include the original source text in the sourcemap?
inlineMap false Inline the sourcemap in the processed text?
hires true Should a hi-res sourcemap be generated?

Note: If you want to keep JSDoc comments, you should also set compactComments: false. Since the JSDoc presentation depends on empty lines, these should be controlled by you.

Predefined Comment Filters

Instead the special 'all' or 'none' keywords, you can use any combination of custom filters along with any of these predefined ones:

Name Will preserve...
some Comments containing "@license", "@preserve", or starting with "!".
license Comments containing "@license".
eslint ESLint directives.
flow Facebook Flow directives, comment types, and flowlint comments.
istanbul istanbul ignore comments.
jsdoc JSDoc comments.
jshint JSHint directives.
jslint JSLint directives.
sources Sourcemap directives sourceURL and sourceMappingURL.
ts MS TypeScript Triple-Slash and @ts-* directives, plus the @jsx pragma.
ts3s TypeScript Triple-Slash directives.

Note: Since none of this filters is really accurate (js-cleanup is not a parser), they are suitable for the job without introducing greater complexity.

See the regexes in src/predef-filters.ts

Custom Filters

A custom filter is a regex that must match the content of the comments that you want to preserve.

The content of the comments tested by each filter does not includes the first slash, nor the */ terminator of the multiline comments, so the multiline comments begins with an asterisk (*) and single-line comments begins with a slash (/).

For example, the following filters will preserve ESLint directives and multiline comments starting with a dash:

const cleanedCode = jsCleanup(code, null, {
  comments: ["eslint", /^\*-/],


The MIT License

ยฉ 2018-2020 Alberto Martรญnez