
JavaScript Client Library for DeployR.

OTHER License


JavaScript Client Library for DeployR

The JavaScript client library is a light-weight fluent API used to communicate with DeployR from both the browser and Node.js environments. It is crafted for flexibility, readability, and a low learning curve.

Easy anonymous R script execution:

  .end(function(res) {
     var artifacts = res.get('artifacts');

Easy authenticated R code execution:

var r = 'x<-rnorm(10)';

  .end(function(res) {
     var out = res.get('console');

Easy I/O to and from R:

  .character('name', 'DeployR')
  .numeric('x', 5)
  .logical('up', true)
  .end(function(res) {
     var objs = res.workspace('roboteer_dataframe');

And much more...



There are a few diffrent ways to obtain the library depending on your environment and intended usage:

  • $ npm install deployr dependent on Node.js
  • $ git clone https://github.com/microsoft/js-client-library.git
  • Download Zip
  • Download specific release


  • Browser and Node.js

We recommend you download and install Node.js. It is not a requirement for the browser however using the JavaScript client library from within a server or from the command line in addition to the browser can be powerful!


If your environment is the browser the JavaScript client library can be found here:



If your environment is Node then the entire root ./deployr/ directory represents the JavaScript client library as it uses the same source for both environments.



Using the browser version:


Include either one on your page in the <script> tag:

<!-- Latest compiled raw JavaScript variation -->
<script src="./browser/deployr.js"></script>


<!-- Latest compiled minified JavaScript variation -->
<script src="./browser/deployr.min.js"></script>


  1. Download and install Node.js, which includes npm. npm, which stands for node packaged modules, is a way to manage development dependencies through Node.js.

  2. $npm install deployr

  3. require the directory:

var deployr = require('deployr');


The DeployR JavaScript client library ships with a set of small examples under the ./deployr/examples directory that run in both the browser and Node.js environments. The intention of the examples are to demonstrate the syntax and core areas of the JavaScript API. They are not intended to be a tutorial on how to write web applications.

We encourage you to start here and customise these examples and adapt them to suit your needs as you explore the API.

  • ./examples/js-api: Introduces the core areas of the JavaScript API.

  • ./examples/tutorial: Introduces the top-level R analytics services exposed on the DeployR API.



  • Copy the .html files under ./examples to your webserver
  • Copy the ./examples/config.json file under ./examples to your webserver
  • Set the DeployR endpoint and basic authentication credentials in

NOTE: The testuser user must first be enabled in DeployR and a password set.

	"endpoint": "http://dhost:port",
	"credentials": {
	   "username": "testuser",
	   "password": "YOUR_TESTUSER_PASSWORD"
  • Open your browser and select an example .html file to run. All examples
    simply print to stdout viewable from your browser debug console.

Alternatively, you can run the examples as is without moving them via the embedded web server if you have Node.js installed:

$ npm install deployr

$ cd ./deployr

$ npm install

$ npm start

Open your browser to http://localhost:8080 and select a example .html file to run. All examples simply print to stdout viewable from your browser debug console.


Set the DeployR endpoint and basic authentication credentials in ./examples/config.json

NOTE: The testuser user must first be enabled in DeployR and a password set.

	"endpoint": "http://dhost:port",
	"credentials": {
	   "username": "testuser",
	   "password": "YOUR_TESTUSER_PASSWORD"

From the command line run one of the Node.js examples:

$ node ./examples/PATH_TO_EXAMPLE_FILE.js


This section only pertains to the Browser environment.

Our dev and release builds are handled by gulp.js.


  1. Download and install Node.js
  2. $ npm install deployr
  3. $ cd ./deployr
  4. $ npm install This will install the development tools needed to build locally.


  • $ npm run build - Runs a build.
  • $ npm start - Runs a build and starts a local webserver with LiveReload
    on http://localhost:8080 rebuilding on file changes.


The browser build destination is located in the ./browser directory.


Coming soon...


Copyright (C) 2010-2016, Microsoft Corporation

This program is licensed to you under the terms of Version 2.0 of the Apache License. This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING THOSE OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the Apache License 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) for more details.