

KhmerCode Blog

A unified blogging platform for khmer coders.


  1. Clone the repo

  2. Update the .env

You can create a free turso account use a serverless Squealite DB. Where you need to add into your .env:


Or you can create a dev.db file in the root directory then in your .env just add DATABASE_URL="file:./dev.db", you can change the database name to wutever u like

  1. Installation and Development
# oh u dont have pnpm?
corepack enable pnpm

# use it, it's faster 😂

# Install deps
pnpm install

# Run migration
pnpm run db:migrate

# Run dev server
pnpm dev

DB and Schema

You can find the db tables and schemas in @/lib/db, there we define the table for our database and we directly infer validation schema from it.

You may check the docs for the ORM and Validator:

// This is a reference from the `Article` schema

// 1. First we define the table
export const articles = sqliteTable("articles", {
  id: text("id")
    // this auto generate UUID using our custom nanoid function
    .$defaultFn(() => nanoid()),

  userId: text("user_id")
    // this tie the relationship back to `users`
    .references(() =>,

  title: text("title").notNull(),
  description: text("description"),
  content: text("content").notNull(),
  cover: text("cover"),

  // auto generate timestamps
  createdAt: text("created_at")
  updatedAt: text("updated_at")

// 2. We define the validation schema
// First we create a base schema for the articles table
// Note that we omit the timestamps from the base schema
const baseSchema = createSelectSchema(articles).omit(timestamps);

// Then we create the insert schema which also omits the timestamps
export const insertArticleSchema =

// This is the schema we use to validate on the client side
// it doesnt need to include the id or userId
export const insertArticleParams = baseSchema.extend({}).omit({
  id: true,
  userId: true,

// The update schema is the same as the base schema
export const updateArticleSchema = baseSchema;

// Same thing here we exclude the userId from the params cuz this will be used client side
export const updateArticleParams = baseSchema.extend({}).omit({
  userId: true,

// 3. We infer the type and export them
// Types for articles - used to type API request params and within Components
export type Article = typeof articles.$inferSelect;
export type NewArticle = z.infer<typeof insertArticleSchema>;
export type NewArticleParams = z.infer<typeof insertArticleParams>;
export type UpdateArticleParams = z.infer<typeof updateArticleParams>;


Currently we export 2 functions for checking Auth

checkAuth and getUserAuth

  • checkAuth(): Promise<void> will redirect to /sign-in if not logged in
  • getUserAuth(): Promise<Session> will return Session, you can handle redirect manually
// Example

// write/page.tsx
const WritePage = async () => {
  // this will check for auth and redirect if not logged in
  await checkAuth()

  return (
    // ...

// index/page.tsx
const HomePage = async () => {
  const session = await getUserAuth()

  if (!session.session) {
    // meaning not logged in
    // you can do wutever u want here
    // return redirect('/sign-in')

  // you can check the session which contain some user information
  return (
      {JSON.stringify(session.session, null, 2)}


  • filename should be in kebab-case
  • variable name should be in camelCase
  • constant should be in UPPERCASE
  • component should be in PascalCase


More docs to come...

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