
[experimental] A GraphQL Query Builder using Knex.js

MIT License



[experimental] A Schema First GraphQL Query Builder for Knex.js


Creating a GraphQL service with a Relational Database is a hard thing. We should take care of:

  • Performance. N+1 problem will happen if you don't use Dataloader.
  • Pagination. Dataloader pattern is hard to implement pagination without a hacky union or window functions.
  • Security. Keeping private fields needs much more work.
  • Code Reusability. GraphQL frameworks provides the Middleware function, but it is often not enough.
  • Realtime. Using GraphQL subscription is a challenging task.
  • Type Safety. How to type GraphQL result without relying on Codegen?

So, why not integrate Knex with GraphQL directly?

Getting Started

Step 1. Install

yarn add knex-gql

Step 2. Define GraphQL schema using SDL

# Schema.gql

type User @table(name: "users") {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  posts: [Post!]! @hasMany(foreignKey: "user_id")
  pageinatedPosts: [Post!]!
    @hasMany(foreignKey: "user_id", type: PAGINATOR, limit: 7)

input UserInput {
  name: String!

type Post @table(name: "posts") {
  id: ID!
  user_id: ID!
  title: String!
  user: User! @belongsTo(foreignKey: "user_id")

type Query {
    id: ID @where(operator: "=")
    name: String @where(operator: "LIKE")
  ): User @first

type Mutation {
  createUser(input: UserInput!): User! @insert
  • @table defines which table is associated with that type.
  • @hasMany and belongsTo define table relations. Relations are automatically batch loaded when executed, meaning that no N+1 problem happens.
  • @where filters rows when these arguments are passed.
  • @first will returns the first matching row.

Step 3. Create KnexGql instance

import { KnexGql } from 'knex-gql'
import Knex from 'knex'
import fs from 'fs/promises'

export async function getKnexGql() {
  const typeDefs = await fs.readFile('./schema.gql', 'utf8')

  const knex = Knex({
    client: 'pg',
    connection: 'postgres://postgres:[email protected]:11155/postgres',

  const knexGql = new KnexGql({ knex, typeDefs })

  await knexGql.prepareTableColumnsMap() // This loads column info before execution

  return knexGql

Step 4. Run Query

import { gql } from 'knex-gql'

getKnexGql().then(async (knexGql) => {
  await knexGql
        mutation CreateUser {
          createUser(input: { name: "Kay" }) {
  // Output:
  // {
  //   data: {
  //     createUser: {
  //       id: 'f8f37213-060b-4b6d-843c-5fc498bcbc08',
  //       name: 'Kay'
  //     }
  //   }
  // }

  await knexGql
        query GetUser {
          user(name: "Kay") {
  // Output:
  // {
  //   data: {
  //     user: {
  //       id: 'f8f37213-060b-4b6d-843c-5fc498bcbc08',
  //       name: 'Kay'
  //     }
  //   }
  // }


  • Automatically batch loads to avoid N+1
  • Automatically select required columns based on fields set
  • Middleware and custom resolver available

// Documentation todo


name description
@all Get all matching records
@belongsTo Get the parent record of given type
@first Get the first matching record
@hasMany Get child records with pagination
@insert Insert a record into the type's table
@paginate Paginate matching records
@table Map table and type
@where Add where clause for current query

For more details, please see Sample app.

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