
WIP: Porting Kotlin stdlib api to typescript


Kotlin Stdlib API in Typescript

Porting the Kotlin standard library design rationale to typescript. Boost the productivity by using the wise API design.

(WIP: This project is under active development. You are welcome to contribute.)

Getting Started to Contribute

Pick the not-yet-implemented API(below list) and try to create a GitHub issues with the feature template. There is a full check-list for you to contribute this project :). Here is the example.

Getting Started

This module designed to be used in Typescript environment for utilizing strict type-checking and IDE auto-complete experience that similar to Kotlin Development.

If your want to use it in javascript project, I highly recommend you to use a relatively new VSCode feature @ts-check Or Intellij-based IDE to enable type checking.

npm install kt.ts

# OR

yarn add kt.ts

Typescript project

// index.ts
import 'kt.ts'

// `flatMap` require { "lib": ["es2019"] } in tsconfig.json
const result = [1,2,[3,3]].flatMap(it => it).distinct()


NodeJs CommonJS style

// index.js

// node >= 11.0 support `flatMap`
const result = [1,2,[3,3]].flatMap(it => it).distinct()


Project Status

Kotlin List API

  • contains
  • elementAt
  • elementAtOrElse
  • elementAtOrNull
  • find
  • findLast
  • first
  • first
  • firstOrNull
  • firstOrNull
  • getOrElse
  • getOrNull
  • indexOf
  • indexOfFirst
  • indexOfLast
  • last
  • last
  • lastIndexOf
  • lastOrNull
  • random
  • single
  • single
  • singleOrNull
  • singleOrNull
  • drop
  • dropLast
  • dropLastWhile
  • dropWhile
  • filter
  • filterIndexed
  • filterNot
  • filterNotNull
  • slice
  • take
  • takeLast
  • takeLastWhile
  • takeWhile
  • reverse
  • reversed
  • sortBy
  • sortByDescending
  • sortDescending
  • sorted
  • sortedBy
  • sortedByDescending
  • sortedDescending
  • sortedWith
  • associate
  • associateBy
  • associateBy
  • associateWith
  • toSet
  • groupBy
  • groupBy
  • mapIndexed
  • mapIndexedNotNull
  • mapNotNull
  • withIndex
  • distinct
  • distinctBy
  • intersect
  • subtract
  • union
  • all
  • any
  • any
  • count
  • count
  • fold
  • foldIndexed
  • foldRight
  • foldRightIndexed
  • forEach
  • forEachIndexed
  • max
  • maxBy
  • maxWith
  • min
  • minBy
  • minWith
  • none
  • none
  • onEach
  • reduce
  • reduceIndexed
  • reduceRight
  • reduceRightIndexed
  • sumBy
  • requireNoNulls
  • requireNoNulls
  • chunked
  • chunked
  • minus
  • minus
  • minusElement
  • partition
  • plus
  • plus
  • plusElement
  • windowed
  • windowed
  • zip
  • zip
  • zip
  • zip
  • zipWithNext
  • zipWithNext
  • joinTo
  • joinToString
  • average
  • sum
  • containsAll
  • get
  • isEmpty
  • iterator
  • subList
  • size
  • lastIndex

Extra for TS and Kotlin-Like API

  • filterNotEmpty