
Kyllikki 🐈: Opinionated typescript framework to build serverless lambdas

MIT License


Kyllikki API template

Kyllikki (Küllikki) is highly opionated template for building AWS Lambda API Serverless endpoints with typescript decorators. Goal is to provide framework that is easy to read and understand. For this reason @decorator based aproach is used. Another leading idea is that code should generate Open Api v3.0.0 code.

This template relies on Serverless-webpack. Manual installation is possible also.

Has lot of freedom:

  • You can choose the way to group and organize your code.
  • No path based rules
  • Works well with webpack and other builders => very small lambdas

It has several limitations:

  • All data is JSON. No other choices.
  • Everything is build around AWS Api Gateway. (May change in the future)

Quick start


Requires serverless cli installed globally

$ npm install -g serverless


$ serverless create --template-url --path myproject
$ cd myproject
$ npm install

Testing that it works

And then you can run the hello world to test it.

$ serverless invoke local -f hello --data '{"resource": "/hello", "httpMethod": "GET"}'

Basic examples

Define your code in a class. For example this could be in cats.ts.

import { APIGatewayEvent } from "aws-lambda";
import { myCatStore } from "somewhere"; // this is foobar
import { GET, POST } from "@kyllikki/core";

export class Cats {
  async listCats() {
    // return value should be something that can be JSON.stringifi()ed.
    return ["kyllikki", "spot", "neko-chan"];

  async getCat(event: APIGatewayEvent) {
    return {
      cat: await myCatStore.get(

  async saveCat(event: APIGatewayEvent) {
    return {
      succesful: true

Then define in your serverless handler handler.ts. ApiRunner takes list of your classes that this handler should reply to.

import { APIGatewayEvent, Callback, Context, Handler } from "aws-lambda";
import { Cats } from "./cats.ts";
import { ApiRunner } from "@kyllikki/core";

export const main: Handler = async (event: APIGatewayEvent, context: Context, callback: Callback) => {
  return await new ApiRunner([
    new Cats() // List of classes you wish for this handler to respond to

Input validation

Input validation system uses joi to validate incoming data. On failing validation 400 HTTP error is thrown.

import * as joi from "joi";

export class Cats {

  @POST("/cat", {
    validation: {
      body: joi.object().keys({
        name: joi.string().required()
  async saveCat(event: APIGatewayEvent) {
    return {
      succesful: true

Error handling

Kyllikki detects errors thrown in the declared functions and processes them before sending errors back.

import { MyCatStoreSaveError } from "./myErrors.ts";

export class Cats {

  @POST("/cat", {
    errors: [
        type: MyCatStoreSaveError,
        code: 400,
        description: "Failing to save cat"
  async saveCat(event: APIGatewayEvent) {
    await; // may throw `new MyCatStoreSaveError`
    return {
      succesful: true

Overriding error handling

In some cases you might wish to handle error yourself or return something else back. This can be done in the function or with special resolve parameter.

import { ApiResponse } from "@kyllikki/core";

export class Cats {

  @POST("/cat", {
    errors: [
        type: MyCatStoreSaveError,
        code: 400,
        description: "Cat might been saved",
        resolve: (error): ApiResponse => {
          //This overrides all settings
          return new ApiResponse({
            success: "nothing happened! I promise! Really, all good."
          }, 200);
  async saveCat(event: APIGatewayEvent) {
    await; // may throw `new MyCatStoreSaveError`
    return {
      succesful: true

OpenApi document generation

Documenting your Api endpoints happen right where your function is.

import { GET, POST } from "@kyllikki/core";

export class Cats {
  @GET("/cats", {
    summary: "List all cats",
      "This **should** be Markdown enabled description of your API endpoint. It should elaborate quite well what it does.",
    tags: ["cats", "listing"],
    responses: {
      "200": {
        description: "Lists three cats in our system"
  async listCats() {
    // return value should be something that can be JSON.stringifi()ed.
    return ["kyllikki", "spot", "neko-chan"];

All this can be generated to OpenApi v3.0.0 documentation using @kyllikki/openapi package.

import { APIGatewayEvent, Callback, Context, Handler } from "aws-lambda";
import { Cats } from "./cats.ts";
import { OpenApi } from "@kyllikki/openapi";

export const main: Handler = async (event: APIGatewayEvent, context: Context, callback: Callback) => {
  return await new OpenApi([
    new Cats() // List of classes you wish to add in the document
    title: "My Cat Api",
    version: "1.0.0"

More complicated response documentation

@kyllikki/openapi has support to write JSON schemas for your responses.

import { GET, POST } from "@kyllikki/core";
import { OpenApiResponse } from "@kyllikki/openapi";

export class Cats {
  @GET("/cats", {
    summary: "List all cats",
      "This **should** be Markdown enabled description of your API endpoint. It should elaborate quite well what it does.",
    tags: ["cats", "listing"],
    responses: {
      "200": {
        description: "Lists three cats in our system"
    responseCode: 200,
    schema: {
      type: "Array",
      items: {
        type: "String"
  async listCats() {
    // return value should be something that can be JSON.stringifi()ed.
    return ["kyllikki", "spot", "neko-chan"];

Automatic response schema generation from DynamoDB objects



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • anttiviljami/openapi-backend inspiring to create this library.
  • To Kyllikki (a cat) for biting my toe while trying to think name for this library.