
🐉 Lerna TypeScript template

MIT License


Lerna Template

Lerna template.



Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/remarkablemark/lerna-template.git
cd lerna-template

Install the dependencies:

npm install

Available Scripts

In the root directory, you can run:

npm run build

Builds all packages:

npm run build

Builds a single package:

npm run build -- --scope=<package-name>

For example:

npm run build -- --scope=example-a

npm run clean

Deletes build artifacts for all packages:

npm run clean

Cleans a single package:

npm run clean -- --scope=<package-name>

For example:

npm run clean -- --scope=example-a

npm run create-package

Creates a package:

npm run create-package

Creates a package using the CLI:

npm run create-package <package-name> -- --template=<template>

Creates package foo using the TypeScript template (default):

npm run create-package foo -- --template=typescript

Creates package bar using the React template:

npm run create-package bar -- --template=react

npm run lint

Lints all packages:

npm run lint

Lints a single package:

npm run lint -- --scope=<package-name>

For example:

npm run lint -- --scope=example-a

npm run lint:fix

Fixes lint errors for all packages:

npm run lint:fix

Fixes lint errors for a single package:

npm run lint:fix -- --scope=<package-name>

For example:

npm run lint:fix -- --scope=example-a

npm run storybook

Runs Storybook server:

npm run storybook

npm test

Runs tests for all packages:

npm test

Runs tests for a single package:

npm test -- --scope=<package-name>

For example:

npm run test -- --scope=example-a


Release is automated with Lerna.

If npm publish failed:

  1. Delete the Git tags on remote
  2. Rerun the publish workflow

Because Lerna commits and pushes the release to the remote repository, branch protection rules have been disabled.

To prevent race conditions with Lerna release, don't merge PRs until after the publish workflow is done.


To release a canary version for testing, run the publish workflow with a branch other than master.

Dry Run

To see the to-be-updated versions, run the publish workflow and enable Dry run.



Extracted from project README
build codecov Netlify Status
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