
Java, Spring Boot, Security, JWT, PostgreSQL and Angular 8



This project is about Library Application for automation.

Used Tools & Technologies

- Spring Boot 2.1.5
- Spring Security, JWT
- REST API (get, post, put, delete, patch)
- Lombok
- ModelMapper, DTO
- JPA, Hibernate
- PostgreSql 9.6
- Angular 8
- Typescript
- Alertify Js
- Bootstrap 4,
- TinyMCE

Create backend side Spring boot 2.1.5

  • Download this repository
  • After opening this project on STS When you click Library Application project then right click Maven->Update project

Create front side regarding Angular 8

Create client

if you wanna create this project again you need to write the following command directly on terminal or gitbash.

  • npm i @angular/cli
  • ng new project-name
  • cd project-name
  • npm install bootstrap
  • npm install jquery
  • npm install alertifyjs --save
  • npm install @swimlane/ngx-datatable
  • npm i ngx-datatable
  • npm install --save @tinymce/tinymce-angular
Run project
  • first download this project
  • second open front side on VS Code and write ng update on terminal
  • last you can run ng serve or ng serve --port PORT_NUMBER or ng serve --port PORT_NUMBER --open
Build client

if you wanna build this project You need to write ng build then You can run client ng serve --port 5422

  • ng build
  • ng serve --port 5422

How to run with Docker

  • Start all services :
docker-compose up
  • Stop and remove all service containers :
docker-compose down