
vscode extension for taken Zettelkasten inspired markdown notes.


Linked Notes VSCode

⚠️ Deprecated


Post Mortem

I made this extension over the summer of 2020 to satisfy a personal itch. At the time I was taking notes in roam research and found the experience frustrating. I missed things like autocomplete, vim, keyboard shortcuts, and split panes. I decided to try and roll my own roam extension in vscode.

The basic idea of the extension was to take a directory of markdown files, parse them into abstract syntax trees (ASTs) using remark-parse, and use the (AST) to support things like Go to Definition, [[backlinks]], and other hypertexty features.

So what went wrong?

  • parsing blocks the ui
    • When parsing large directories of markdown notes the vscode UI becomes unresponsive. The solution would be to translate the code into a language server, but because this was an experiment I decided it was not worth the effort. Other extensions ran into this issue but because they used regex approaches rather than parsing approaches they were able to hide the issue slightly better.
  • carefully choose your cache
    • The worst decision I made when creating this project was deciding to use redux toolkit and reselect to implement a cache of notes which can be lazily modified. Although caching is a good idea redux is bad at expressing aggregate caches. Anytime I needed to cache an aggregate value computed from all the notes I had to recompute that value when any note changed. A good example is the list of completions. That list is computed based on the contents of all the ASTs, but needs to be recomputed whenever any single AST changes.

If I were to do this project again I would roll my own cache and implement the extension as a language server.

Why I won't be doing it again

The only references I was able to support in linked-notes were file references. Unfortunately, file references simply aren't enough. We need much finer grained references to create the type of interesting linked note experiences we want. Roam research allows for things like embedding and linking to any individual bullet. Unfortunately it's impossible to implement something similar in plaintext without massively degrading the user experience, for example by adding globally unique identifiers to every line.

Quick Start

  1. Open an empty directory
  2. Create a new note with the command Linked Notes: Create New Note.
  3. Enter the title of your note. For example hello world
  4. Try typing a wikilink in the new note. For example [[goodbye world]]
  5. Right click on the wikilink [[goodbye world]] and select Go to definition. A new file will be created with the title goodbye world and the name
  6. In the goodbye world note try creating a reference to the hello world note with a wikilink [[hello world]].
  7. Now the goodbye world and hello world notes contain references to each other. You can see these references in the backlinks panel in the explorer, follow either reference using go to definition, or view all references to either wikilink. Additionally you can hover on links to see a preview of the materialized page.


Create a New Note

Use the Command Linked Notes: Create New Note.

Write Default Workspace Settings

Use the Command Linked Notes: Write Default Workspace Config

Add Bib Support

Use the setting linked-notes-vscode.defaultBib. The value is a path to a CSL JSON file and is relative to the workspace root. library.json would resolve to ${workspaceRoot}/library.json.

The recommended method for getting a CSL JSON file is to use the better bib text extension for Zotero. Set up an automatic export to the file specified by linked-notes-vscode.defaultBib. Select the keep updated option so that future citations are automatically picked up.

Citations In Markdown

The extension supports a subset of markdown pandoc citeproc citation format. Specifically any citation key identified by an @ sign followed by a citationKey can be used in single brackets. For example [@ahoCorasick page 55]. Pandoc citeproc also support citation keys in text followed by locators for example @ahoCorasick [page 55] but that style is not supported by this extension.

Citations go inside square brackets and are separated by semicolons. Each citation must have a key, composed of ‘@’ + the citation identifier from the database, and may optionally have a prefix, a locator, and a suffix. The citation key must begin with a letter, digit, or , and may contain alphanumerics,, and internal punctuation characters (:.#$%&-+?<>~/). Here are some examples:

Blah blah [see @doe99, pp. 33-35; also @smith04, chap. 1].
Blah blah [@doe99, pp. 33-35, 38-39 and *passim*].
Blah blah [@smith04; @doe99].

Default Snippet

Create a markdown snippet called linked_notes_default. The snippet will eb used to create new notes. There is one magic variable LINKED_NOTES_TITLE which can be used to insert a title in the new note. The default snippet is.

  "linked_notes_default": {
    "description": "",
    "prefix": "linked_notes_default",
    "body": [
      "description: TODO fill in a description",
      "tags: ",
      "# notes, draft, in progress, finished",
      "status: notes",
      "# “certain”, “highly, likely”, “likely”, “possible”, “unlikely”, “highly, unlikely”, “remote”, “impossible”",
      "confidence: certain",

Title Behavior

Every system comes with some set of expectations. In this system the notes are expected to have a title which is the first level 1 header in the document.

# this is the title

Titles are used to refer to documents. So for example if I wanted to reference the document in the previous codeblock I would reference it using [[this is the title]]. If you want to rename a document you can right click and select rename on either a wikilink referencing a document, or on the title of the document. You can also use the default vscode rename keyboard shortcut.

Because titles are so important every note is expected to have a title.

Go to Definition for Wikilinks

Will open the associated file if it exists or create a new file if the associated file does not exist.

  • The wikilink file is created at the workspace root. The filename is determined by slugging the text in the wikilink. The title is the text in the wikilink.

Reference Provider for Wikilinks and Citations and Titles

  • See all references to a file. Show all references on the title of a note to see references to the current note, or look in the backlinks panel.

Rename Provider for Wikilinks and Titles

  • Wikilinks can be renamed and all references to the wikilink, and the underlying file reference by the wikilink will reflect the new name.

Hover Provider for Wikilinks and Citations

  • Wikilinks can be hovered on to see a preview of the underlying note.
  • Citations can be hovered to see the author and title information.

Completions for Wikilinks and Citations

  • Wikilinks are completed based on existing titles they are referencing
  • Citations are completed based on citation keys



Default Workspace Config

These are my workspace settings which provide a seamless save experience.

  // save files after a delay automatically
  "files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
  "files.autoSaveDelay": 1000,
  // sort the explorer by modified date in descending order
  "explorer.sortOrder": "modified",
  // open files as tabs
  "workbench.editor.enablePreview": false,
  // reveal existing files if they are open (avoids tons of tabs)
  "workbench.editor.revealIfOpen": true,
  // open files from quick open as tabs
  "workbench.editor.enablePreviewFromQuickOpen": false

VSCode Vim Settings

I also use the following vim key bindings which provide the illusion of transcluded documents, back links, and linked notes. In addition to the custom keybinding below I find the built in keybinding for VSCode Vim such as gd for go to definition, gh for show hover very useful. I used gd to jump to referenced documents creating them if needed, and gh to show previews or relevant information about transcluded documents.

  "vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
    // open references panel with gr
      "before": ["g", "r"],
      "commands": ["references-view.find"]
    // peek references inline with gR
      "before": ["g", "R"],
      "commands": ["editor.action.referenceSearch.trigger"]
    // open linked file in new editor group with gs
      "before": ["g", "s"],
      "commands": ["editor.action.revealDefinitionAside"]
      // open linked file inline with gD
      "before": ["g", "D"],
      "commands": ["editor.action.peekDefinition"]
    // open link with gx
      "before": ["g", "x"],
      "commands": ["editor.action.openLink"]

Development and Release

To create a new release,

npm install
vsce package
vsce publish

To install the vsix locally:

  1. Select Extensions (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + X)
  2. Open More Action menu (ellipsis on the top) and click Install from VSIX…
  3. Locate VSIX file and select.
  4. Reload VSCode.

OR from the command line

code --install-extension linked-notes-vscode-{VERSION}.vsix


This extension was largely inspired by Andrew Kortina's blog post about using vscode to take markdown notes and the related extension vscode markdown notes. Context for backlinks was inspired by Andy Matuschak's note-link-janitor. The backlinks panel was inspired by b3u's vscode-backlinks-panel. The work flow I adopted was inspired by Jeff Huang's productivity text file and Andy Matuschak's working notes.