
LoopBack 4 Todo application with JWT authentication and authorization.

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Learning in progress. So the application is still working in progress

LoopBack 4 Todo application with JWT authentication and authorization.

Built on top of todo-jwt LoopBack 4 application. Therefore, if you're not familiar with that application, it's better to go there first.

Before we begin

There are a few slight modification on the application/scenario from the todo-jwt application.

  1. Since there is authorization involved, we'd like to introduce roles in our User profile.
  2. There will be an owner property in the Todo model, so that we can set the corresponding rights to Todo items created by the users.

Part 1 - Customize the User model

We'd like to introduce 3 roles:

  • user: can read/update/delete todo items created by them
  • support: can update/delete todo items created by them, but can read everyone's todo items
  • admin: can read/update/delete todo items created by anyone

Let's follow the instruction on how to customize the User model: https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-next/tree/master/extensions/authentication-jwt#customizing-user

Part 2 - Modify the Todo Application first

Modify the todo application so that the Todo model includes the owner of the todo.

Step 1: Modify the Todo model

In the User model, add an additional property owner.

    type: 'string',
  owner?: string;

Step 2: Modify the Todo Controller

In src/controllers/todo.controller.ts, when someone create a todo, the owner property is set to the current user.

  1. Add the following import statement and inject the current user:
import {SecurityBindings, UserProfile} from '@loopback/security';
    @repository(TodoRepository) protected todoRepository: TodoRepository,
    @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) public currentUserProfile: UserProfile,
) {}
  1. In the createTodo function,
todo.owner = this.currentUserProfile[securityId]; // ADD THIS LINE
return this.todoRepository.create(todo);

Step 3: Test it out

Let's test it out what's changed.

  1. Start the application using npm start. Go to http://localhost:3000/explorer.

  2. Log in through POST /users/login.

  3. After logging in, copy the token and set it in the Authorize dialog (click the Authorize button at the top of the page).

  4. After setting the JWT, let's create a todo item. e.g.

      "title": "buy apples",
      "desc": "buy 10 apples",
      "isComplete": false
  5. Go to data/db.json and you'll see there's an additional owner property appear which is the user that's logged in while creating that todo item.
