
markdown plugin for building demos in vitepress.

MIT License



markdown-it-vitepress-demo is a markdown-it plugin specifically designed for Vitepress demos. It converts code blocks in Markdown into references to the <demo-container> component. It does not generate UI itself but serves as a plugin for creating demo containers. This means that you need to implement and register the <demo-container> component yourself, and markdown-it-vitepress-demo makes this process easier.

With this plugin, you can use the <demo> tag in Markdown to reference a demo container. For example:

<demo src="../demo.vue" title="Demo block" desc="use demo" />

You can use Markdown syntax in the desc field. For example:

<demo src="../demo.vue" title="Demo block" desc="use `demo` ..." />

However, we recommend using the container mode to write the desc content with Markdown:

::: demo src="../demo.vue" title="Demo block"

This is a `description` that can be written using Markdown.


This looks more aesthetically pleasing and adheres better to Markdown syntax.

In addition, you can pass the attrs parameter to props, so you can utilize the Line Highlighting in Code Blocks feature of VitePress:

<demo src="../demo.vue" attrs="{1,4,6-8}" />
<demo src="../demo.vue" attrs="{4}" />

Other props will not be processed and will be directly passed to the <demo-container> component. For example, you can customize whether the code is expanded using the prop:

<demo src="../demo.vue" expand />

however, it is important to note that <demo> is not strictly a component and cannot handle excessively complex custom props, such as v-bind.


npm install markdown-it-vitepress-demo --save-dev


// .vitepress/config.js
export default defineConfig({
  markdown: {
    config(md) {

Register your <demo-container> component in theme/index.ts|js:

import Theme from 'vitepress/theme'

// your demo component
import CustomDemoContainer from './components/CustomDemoContainer.vue'

export default {
  enhanceApp({ app, router, siteData }) {
    app.component('demo-container', CustomDemoContainer)

The demo-container component will receive relevant information about the demo, and you need to implement the rendering of the demo:

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'

const props = defineProps<{
  sfcTsCode: string
  // if using ts, sfcJsCode will transform the to js
  sfcJsCode: string
  sfcTsHtml: string
  sfcJsHtml: string
  title: string
  metadata: object

const sfcCode = computed(() => decodeURIComponent(props.sfcTsCode || props.sfcJsCode))
const highlightedHtml = computed(() => decodeURIComponent(props.sfcTsHtml || props.sfcJsHtml))

    <div>{{ title }}</div>
    <!-- copy your demo source code -->
    <div @click="navigator.clipboard.writeText(sfcCode)"> Copy Code </div>
    <!-- The description is rendered in the desc slot -->
    <slot name="desc" />
    <!-- The demo is rendered in the default slot -->
    <slot />
    <!-- highlighted code for the demo -->
    <div class="language-vue" v-html="highlightedHtml"></div>


The demo-container component will receive relevant information about the demo. You can use the metadata to access and use this information within the demo:

<script lang="ts" setup>
const props = defineProps<{
  sfcTsCode: string
  sfcJsCode: string
  sfcTsHtml: string
  sfcJsHtml: string
  title: string
  // metadata returns information about the demo during build (absolutePath, relativePath, fileName)
  metadata: object
const githubBlobUrl = ''
const githubPath = githubBlobUrl + props.metadata.relativePath

function toEditGithubDemoFile() {


You can define the parameters for CodeSandbox by using codesandbox/lib/api/define and create a sandbox environment by submitting them to the CodeSandbox API through a <form>:

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { getParameters } from 'codesandbox/lib/api/define'

const props = defineProps<{
  sfcTsCode: string
  sfcJsCode: string
  // ...

// Compute the parameters for CodeSandbox
const parameters = computed(() => {
  return getParameters({
    files: {
      'package.json': {
        // specify your dependencies
        content: { dependencies: { vue: 'latest' } },
      'index.html': { content: `<div id="app"></div>` },
      'App.vue': { content: decodeURIComponent(props.sfcJsCode) },
      'src/main.js': { content: '...' },
  <!-- Form to submit the parameters to CodeSandbox -->
  <form action="" method="POST" target="_blank">
    <input type="hidden" name="parameters" :value="parameters">
    <button>Edit in CodeSandbox</button>


pnpm install

# Run development server
pnpm dev

# Have fun!
pnpm play

Unit tests are in progress, PRs welcome!


This project draws inspiration from the following projects:


MIT License © 2022 Hairyf