
simple notes CRUD app but mainly an excuse to play with some new tech

MIT License



A very simple store and view notes application but also an excuse to play with some new technologies.

Table of Contents


  • This project leverages pnpm as it's package manager so make sure you install it
  • To run the db locally please install docker

Getting Started

  • pnpm env use --global 14
  • pnpm install will install everything
  • pnpm db:up will start the postgres docker container
    • pnpm db:down to shut it down
  • pnpm dev will start both client and server in dev mode
  • pnpm db:studio will launch prisma's studio to visually interact with the db
  • pnpm sb will launch storybook at http://localhost:6006
  • pnpm test will run unit tests
    • pnpm test --watch to run in watch mode
  • pnpm gitzy to commit using a cli that follows conventional commits
  • formatting and linting will happen before committing


medea exposes it's api if you wish to use outside of the UI as you wish

  1. Create a medea
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
	"title": "Usage",
	"description": "An example of a new note",
	"text": "# This Is Your New Note\n\n> Thank you using Medea! ❤️\n\n## Tips\n* You can click the 👁 to preview\n* You can click the 📝 to edit\n\n",
	"tags": [
  1. Click the link from response
  // cSpell:ignore cku05wn4t00211rslpcjzcrxw
  "id": "cku05wn4t00211rslpcjzcrxw",
  "links": {
    "note": "http://localhost:3000/notes/cku05wn4t00211rslpcjzcrxw",
    "json": "http://localhost:3000/json/cku05wn4t00211rslpcjzcrxw"
  "createdAt": "2021-09-25T19:04:33.053Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-09-25T19:04:33.053Z"
  1. Rinse and Repeat


⚡️ The theme was speed from development to production so the technologies we're chosen with that in mind.


  • jest
  • eslint 🚨
  • prettier 🎨
  • husky 🎨
  • typescript 🚨
  • docker 👷
  • pnpm for it's workspaces and the boost in installation speed ⚡️
  • nx(only the cli) for it's computational caching ⚡️, affected commands ⚡️ and workspace visualization 🔨
  • storybook


  • react
  • react-router
  • @testing-library/react
  • vite for the fast server start and updates ⚡️
    • You can read more here
  • tailwindcss for it's focus on rapid UI development ⚡️
  • react-query for making fetching, caching, synchronizing and updating server state easy 🍻
    • You can read more here


  • nodemon 🔨
  • esbuild for it's fast builds and transpiling ⚡️
  • Fastify for it's lower cost of the infrastructure 🍻 and better responsiveness under load ⚡️
  • prisma for it's many features that improve developer productivity 🍻
    • You can read more here
  • postgres for it's performance and it works great with prisma ⚡️
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