
Model structure for application based on mobx

MIT License


mobx-model (experiment)

A simple wrapper around mobx.


It's an experiment. We are going to use it in our project and we are prepared to tweak it until it fits to our use cases.

I cannot recommend anyone to use it in real project because it is in an early stage.

If you like it or have ideas how to improve it I will be happy to hear them.


npm install --save mobx-app-model

to use typescript you need also install following typings:

typings install --save --ambient es6-shim
typings install --save --ambient whatwg-fetch


  • actions which are simple to test
  • targets which are created from these action and can be
    used directly in react components without binding
  • have composable models
  • posible side effects (this needs to be improved)


  • state - initial state of your model, this creates the state property on the model (mobx observable)
  • actions - methods where model and arguments are passed, they run in mobx transaction
  • inputs - method that enables to create additional inputs that can be connected throug drivers rx subject, ... (see examples - gif-fetcher)
  • init - enables to init model during creation, good for composing other models


    import { modelFactory } from 'mobx-factory';
    import { autorun } from 'mobx';

    export const createModel = modelFactory({ 
        state: {
            value: 0
        actions: {
            reset({state}) {            
                state.value = 0;
            increment({state}) {
                state.value += 1;
            decrement({state}) {
                state.value -= 1;
            set({state}, value) {
                value = parseInt(value, 10);
                state.value = isNaN(value) ? null : value;

    const model = createModel();

    autorun(() => {
    model.targets.increment(); // 1
    model.targets.increment(); // 2    


Some of the ideas cames from the previous experiment