
Typescript framework for architecting large scale web application.

MIT License


moxb is a modular, opinionated Typescript framework for architecting large scale web application with React and mobx. moxb [/(mox) (b)/] stands for mox [latin for just] and b [binding] which describes the core of the framework. It creates loosely coupled binding between different frameworks or libraries with a set of different architectural patterns, to create lean modern web applications.

see ChangeLog

How to ship a new version

  • Create a release in the ChangeLog file
  • in the top level package.json update the version (it's not done by lerna)
    • make sure that package-lock.json is up to date
  • call make
  • commit all changes
  • push all changes (don't create the git tag, lerna will do it automatically)
  • . ./admin/activate
  • lerna publish
    • choose the proper release version (minor, major, breaking).
  • Only the changed packages will be published
  • However the version number always be incremented to the proper latest one

If lerna publish doesn't want to release use the --force-publish option.