

Example for mocking a tRPC API endpoint with msw-trpc

This repo contains a Next.js app using tRPC, and a unit test for a component that uses Mock Service Worker with msw-trpc to intercept network requests.

It is reduced to the bare minimum to focus only on the msw testing setup, and should not be used as a reference on how to build an entire app.

The files you'll probably want to look at are:

  • vitest.config.ts is a minimal Vitest config
  • src/__test__/setup.tsx creates our mocked tRPC client and a function to render components with the required providers
  • src/components/greeting.tsx exports the Greeting component that we are testing
  • src/components/greeting.test.tsx tests our Greeting component

To get started:

pnpm i
pnpm test



  • some imports are not using ~ because vitest couldn't traverse the import alias for some reason. fix this.
  • some sort of setup (for example dependabot, github actions, etc) to update dependencies and check in CI that everything still works.

PRs welcome. Open an issue first if you're not sure, or contact me on twitter/discord/etc.