
NestJS template to create REST Monoliths. Includes common boilerplate, including integration test db up/down mechanisms.

MIT License


Make this template your own

The very first step you must take in this project is simple:

  • Find all occurrences of my-nest-rest-starter

  • Replace them with your project's name composed of characters matching the regex:

    • /^[(a-z\-){+}]$/ (at least one character, all being lower case or hyphen)
  • Then go to your project's GitHub repository

    • Under Settings, select Environments and create new environments
      • To run the project's pipeline without any adaption we recommend test, staging
        and, production being created; With these exact names!
    • Under Settings, select Secrets > Actions and create two Environment
      per each of the previously added environments:
      • You can leave them as blank strings for now;
    • If you decide to keep on using Dependabot, non secret-environment variables which
      are not hard-coded on workflow files, as well as secret variables (environment,
      repository, and/or organization), must also be added to Secrets > Actions > Dependabot,
      otherwise the Dependabot Pull Requests will constantly fail. For the initial setup
      only the two variables above, need to be added to Dependabot Secrets.

Before you read further

Wether you are on MacOS or Linux, we recommend that you install the following tooling:

  • oh-my-zsh with your favorite plugins

    # We personally enjoy using at least these:
  • Homebrew and remember to follow the instructions at the end of the program output.

    • Installing Homebrew and installing casks (programs) managed by Homebrew often
      require exporting environment variables, adding scripts, or similar in your .zshrc,
      .bashrc or other profile files.
    • Always check the program output for further instructions!
    brew install openssl
    brew install direnv
    # Directory Environment requires additional setup in your rc file
    brew install libpq
    # Node Version Manager requires additional setup in your rc file
    brew install nvm
    # Installs the latest Node LTS that satisfies the `.nvmrc` file given by the project
    nvm use

Project Requesites

If you installed nvm and libpq you do not need anything other than Docker and Docker-Compose.

  • Docker and Docker-Compose

    • These are installed seperately if you are using a Linux distro;
  • NodeJS matching the project's version

    • If you use nvm and zsh as a shell you can
      automate process of installing and/or setting the proper Node for any project which
      provides .nvmrc, when switching to it's directory or a child of it. Just add this
      block to your.zshrc
    # place this after nvm initialization!
    autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
    load-nvmrc() {
    if [[ -f .nvmrc && -r .nvmrc ]]; then
       nvm use
    elif [[ $(nvm version) != $(nvm version default)  ]]; then
       echo "Reverting to nvm default version"
       nvm use default
    add-zsh-hook chpwd load-nvmrc
  • Postgres or compatible binaries

Setting up

When using docker, all of the project's 'npm commands can also be performed using ./scripts/npm (e.g.: ./scripts/npm install). This script allows you to run the same commands inside the same environment and versions than the service, without relying on what is installed on the host and without decorating fancy docker/docker-compose exec commands.

Install dependencies

We use NPM and we disallow any attempt to use Yarn or PNPM; We recognize that Yarn and especially PNPM are faster than NPM; But GitHub Actions PNPM support is still somewhat limited, it is also harder to find professional grade examples using these managers, when it comes to private packaging, CI/CD, among others.

npm install

Create the environment file (.env)

  • Create a .env file from the template .env.template file.
cp .env.template .env
  • Fill in any unfilled variables.
    • See next section for JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_BASE64 and JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64

Generate public and private key pair for jwt authentication

These variables are key to the application proper operation. Without these environment variables, the application runtime will fail and e2e will certainly pick that up!

Option one (using docker)

Run this command:


Copy the output of that command and add it to your .env file. It looks something like this:

To setup the JWT keys, please add the following values to your .env file:
JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_BASE64="(long base64 content)"
JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64="(long base64 content)"

Option two (using host machine functionality)

The keys will be generated on .local folder, which is ignored by .gitignore.

mkdir ./local
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -m PEM -f ./local/jwtRS256.key -N ""
openssl rsa -in jwtRS256.key -pubout -outform PEM -out ./local/
base64 -i ./local/jwtRS256.key
base64 -i ./local/

Must enter the base64 of the key files in .env:

# Ensure that you insert both outputs in your environment without any newlines

Running the app

We can run the project with or without docker.

Directly on the host machine

To run the server without Docker we need this pre-requisite:

  • Postgres server running with applied migrations (we only apply and synch automatically
    in E2E tests)


# Apply the migrations if needed
npm run typeorm:migration:run

# development
npm run start

# watch mode
npm run start:dev

# production mode
npm run start:prod

Using docker virtualization

# build image
docker build -t my-nest-rest-starter .

# run container from image
docker run -p 3000:3000 --volume 'pwd':/usr/src/app --network --env-file .env my-nest-rest-starter

# run using docker compose
docker compose up

Testing the application

# unit tests (with or without JEST coverage)
npm run test
npm run test:cov

# integration
# not available yet

# e2e tests
npm run test:e2e


# Example using docker (all remaining commands can also be used in the same way)
docker-compose exec app npm run typeorm:migration:run

# Directly on host machine
# Apply migrations on local machine
npm run typeorm:migration:run

# Revert the previous migration applied on your local machine
npm run typeorm:migration:revert

# Generate migration file from changes applied to the entities. Be aware that
# the generated file may need some fine tuning. Always verify the generated
# migration instructions as they can easily compromise dev, qa and production
# databases when applied.
npm run typeorm:migration:generate --name='name'

# Create an empty migration file
npm run typeorm:migration:create --name'name'

# Write in the console the pending changes
npm run typeorm:migration:log

# Write in the console the pending migrations to be applied
npm run typeorm:migration:show

# Drop database, deletes all tables
npm run schema:drop

# Sync entities with database, creates, and updates database tables
# We do this automatically on application start-up.
npm run schema:sync

CI/CD and Deployments

Any environment variable which is not a secret or is just a placeholder for test should be added to any workflows (.github/workflows/*.yml files) as the project grows.

  • See tests-workflow.yml example;
    • Note that some of the environment variables which are hard-coded here are typically secret
    • But since these are used only during the testing-workflow and do not communicate with real systems, and instead communicate with transient dockerized containers (running as local processes on the host where the workflow is executing), they do not need to be treated as such!

Any environment variable considered secret should be added as Environment, Repository or Organization Secret on GitHub. Examples include API KEYS, Database Connection Credentials, Public/Private Key pairs like the ones we created earlier (JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64/JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_BASE64)

  • See build-workflow example, which accesses the staging environment variables to load them into the workflow.
  • You can find the secrets dashboard at (repository) Settings > Secrets > Actions
  • Any secret environment variable required to run the testing workflows, which is not hardcoded on the workflow itself should also be added a Dependabot Secrets. By default, pull requests created by Dependabot do not have access to any GitHub Secrets (for security purposes). Without this effort, all Dependabot pull requests will fail on the testing step!


External Links


# You must provide the correct relative or absolute path to -f option
# When prompted for a password, type in the value of DATABASE_PASSWORD of `.env`
export NODE_ENV=dev;
npm run typeorm schema:drop;
psql --dbname=$DB_NAME --username=$DB_USER --host=$DB_HOST --port=$DB_PORT -f ~/Downloads/example-dump.sql;


The baseline for this project was taken from MonstraLab OSS template

Sample implementations

To view sample implementations based on this starter kit, please visit the nestjs-sample-solutions repository.

Starter kit Features

One of our main principals has been to keep the starter kit as lightweight as possible. With that in mind, here are some of the features that we have added in this starter kit.

Feature Info Progress
Authentication JWT Done
Authorization RBAC (Role based) Done
ORM Integration TypeORM Done
DB Migrations TypeORM Done
Logging winston Done
Request Validation class-validator Done
Pagination SQL offset & limit Done
Docker Ready Dockerfile Done
Auto-generated OpenAPI - Done
Auto-generated ChangeLog - WIP

Apart from these features above, our start-kit comes loaded with a bunch of minor awesomeness like prettier integration, commit-linting husky hooks, package import sorting, docker-compose for database dependencies, etc.

Extracted from project README
License: MIT
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