
VSCode extension with utilities for n8n development

MIT License


n8n utils

n8n-utils is a collection of utilities for developing on n8n, the workflow automation tool.



Launch n8n inside VSCode, with hot reload for changes during node development. Accessible via the Command Palette: n8n-utils: Launch n8n in VSCode.

Node parameter navigator

View the tree of node params in a node or resource file on the extension's Node Params tab. Navigate quickly to the param in the open editor. Accessible via the Command Palette: n8n-utils: Navigate to node parameter.

Controller endpoint navigator

View the list of controller endpoints in the cli package on the extension's n8n controllers tab. Navigate quickly to a controller or endpoint. Accessible via the Command Palette: n8n-utils: Navigate to controller endpoint.

Env vars tooltips

Hover over references to env vars like config.getEnv('MY_VAR') and process.env.MY_VAR references to view their current values, with annotations specifying if they have been overridden, if they are part of the schema, and if they remain with the schema default value.

Stored workflow viewer

View the list of locally stored workflows on the extension's Stored workflows tab. Node types are linked through VSCode's definition provider to the node class, allowing for peeking definitions and jumping to definition with F12.

Node stats

Hover over any node class with a comment icon to view a summary of the node's stats, including overall popularity and resource and operation usage.


  • Launcher requires a local database with no owner account set up.
  • Node param navigator supports *.node.ts and *Description.ts files.
  • n8n endpoint navigator supports *.controller.ts files.
  • Env vars tooltips may only access env vars provided via the VSCode terminal.
  • Node stats are only available for the n8n team and require adding "n8n-utils.nodeStats.token": "<token>" to .vscode/settings.json. Find the token in the internal vault under VSCode extension. Node stats are cached for seven days.


To develop this extension:

  1. At root dir, run npm run watch
  2. Press F5 to launch debugger at new window with Extension Development Host (EDH)
  3. Make a change at root dir
  4. Press cmd+shift+F5 to restart debugger at new window with EDH
  5. View logs in Debug Console at root dir window

Publish and release

Note: Install npm install -g vsce

  1. vsce package to package extension. This will create an untracked .vsix file, used in the next step.
  2. Publish with vsce publish <major|minor|patch>. This will commit with a message like 1.2.3, update the versions in package.json and package-lock.json, and create a new tag like v1.2.3.
  3. Push and release on GitHub.


2023 Ivn Ovejero


Distributed under the MIT License.